10/29 FTB Unleashed - oh you ender eyes!

Followed Ender Eyes on a wild goose chase across the ocean, looks like the cortress is at about 875,-501 underwater!  Lovely hill/jungle island at 924,-348, setup a tiny base, will try to tunnel in from there.  I heard zombies banging on doors down there while boating over it.  21:31 made it to 630,-406, depth 47 seems deep enough.  Oops, hit drips then sand at -447z, going down 3 deeper.  At -474z I hear the zombie banging.  I don't really want to go to The End or fight the dragon, but finding the End Portal is a major milestone in the game.

I busted through into an abandoned mine -- oddly the first one I've seen in this world, normally they're common.  It cut through a stronghold, making a really confusing mess.  I rolled video.  At one point I fell into a black pit just full of mobs, could just barely cut into a wall, seal myself in and make my way back up to the light.  Yow.  Oddly, I came away with 12 "abyssal stone" -- what the heck?  I've never seen that before.  [Later wiki reading says it's generated by railcraft and forms in gem-bearing geodes beneath the ocean.  That's all new to me.  So it wasn't part of the End Fortress ... it means there was a stronghold, an abandoned mine AND an abyssal geode all intersecting down there, AND the Eye says there's an end portal.  Wow.]

Took my little boat back across ocean, to the end of that last road I just pioneered (ironically), ran home.  Though it wasn't a mining trip, my pack is full of ore: 58 Fe, 17 Cu, 24 Sn (yay), 11 Au, 23 force gems, 3 U.

--- midnight run ---

Okay, I solved something that has been BUGGING me.  No way to set waypoints or change map settings??  After reading config file, VoxelMap.cfg said Menu=EQUALS.  Sure enough, the EQUALS key brings up the expected range of options, and I can finally turn off that dumb "Latest Death" waypoint and use waypoints for real things like cities and mystery spots.



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