10/10 FTB Unleashed - DartCraft fun

Okay the ] key gives a bigger map.  I saw a weird geometric spot on a nearby cliff, turned out to be another of those black totem platforms with chest.  Of course it spawned a will-o-wisp which almost zapped my ass off the cliff.  I was able to empty the chest and run.  Logic matrix programmer, saddle, some iron and gunpowder, steel sword, and a spoils bag: bread, 2 force shards, steel leggings, 2 knowledge fragments (nice), 3 Au, 5 bones.  I watched some videos last night about DartCraft, done by the modder himself, looks like a really big new mod full of fresh goodies!  (Including the spoils bag.)

Fun bit: if you kill one of the "ender tots" (baby endermen), two adults show up and start screeching and attacking, BUT they just bobbed up & down in water and died.  Free pearls.

Looks like the slimes (and of course the rare spiders) can hop over my cobble walls.  But they're just bringing me free food, so okay.  Made 5 gold chests.  Starting to setup a thermal expansion lab in building #2.  Darn I hate the new Auto Workbenches ... when they were autocrafting tables they made things right away, now every item has a 10 second wait.  So blah, I made a DartCraft clipboard, way better than the pocket crafting table I tried a few months back, including a button to toss all unused bits back in your inventory with one click, and it holds items in slots when closed.  As a quick test I made a diamond pickaxe for the mining turtle I don't have yet.

DartCraft time: made 2 force ingots, then force shears, because those were just so funny in the videos: you can use em to pluck feathers from chickens, and skin cows (for leather) and pigs (for bacon).  They all grow back their pelts.  No more slaughtering endless animals for crafting ingredients.  Okay, it doesn't work on pigs for some reason, but the cows show up as "Cold Cow" until they munch some grass and grow their skin back.  Got 11 leather.  I do like the Natura berry bushes, they yield everything from snacks to ore nuggets, grow very logically, and I can see someday having huge fields of them.  I planted my metal berry bushes in a dark room under my first house.

Made 3 machine frames.  Now I don't remember ANY of the old Thermal Expansion recipes, all my old cheat sheet text files are on my older computer.

Quick check of my perimeter wall - ha, there's a missing chunk right thru the middle of my temple mountain in the distance ... that'll teach those will-o-wisps to stay out of my hair. 

Poof!  Mining turtle, must go have some fun down in that chasm.  10 minute run: ores: 27 Fe, 18 Cu, 13 Sn, 4 Al, and 4x64 cobble.  Topside, my essence berry bush made its first berries (I was wondering if it needed darkness or daylight).  Yummy creeper taste, looks like it added a level of XP, not hunger.  A quick run for clay turned up 44, use them for brick, to make my Powered Furnace.

The Force Mitts (DartCraft again) rock.  Use them like an axe, they chop wood faster than an axe and whack whole chunks of leaves with one swipe, dropping all goodies.  Great for clearing the underbrush in a jungle.  Whack, whack, room to walk.  Came home with saplings: 11 oak, 17 hopseed, 1 eucalyptus, 5 rubber (!); 2 resin and logs: 6 oak, 16 hopseed, 26 jungle, 8 rubber.  And I only used about 40% of the mitt ... and have 2 more in storage.

Pulverizer done, Powered Furnace done.  Conductive pipes setup along a wall.  Will work on some engines next.

Later ...

Two stirling engines done, first batch in pulverizer is 9 copper gravel, got one bonus gold dust.  Planted my rubber saplings in the rugged patch in middle of town site, first 2 trees grew, bagged 6 resin, now cooking to make first 6 rubber for first circuits for IC2 machines.  Used force ingots to get 2 electronic circuits instead of 1, Extractor done!

I now have 5 rubber trees packed into that little cleft, not easy to navigate but ok for now.  For some reason I kept getting a boss health bar saying King Slime.  I finally saw that yes there was a huge slime just offshore.  100 hp, pretty easy battle, and it dropped a "King SLime Battlesign", which I don't seem able to put on a wall. Anyway, I now have 19 resin and lots of ores grinding.  Whoa, lightning hit my lab, and when I went outside there was an ender pearl for no reason -- maybe the ender got blasted?
I leveled a tract of land between tiny hut #1 and my Thermal Expansion Lab
, this will be my IC2 lab.  Yeah I know, the same buildings in every city on every map.  At least to start the basic tech.  This time I will have to add a DartCraft Lab as well, so far those force ingots have come in handy making circuits.  Anyway, I got my IC2 lab walled in, roofed off, and added a simple generator into batbox leading out to 6 copper cables (formerly "insulated copper wires") and tossed my Extractor on top.  Now chugging through that resin to start a stockpile of rubber.  I haven't seen a MFR rubber tree anywhere in the world yet, so IC2 for now.

Of course now I'm short on coal!

Exploring.  Originally a short jaunt to find new species of bushes.  Found desert at -121,+676, new saguaros were pretty well done, all kinds of odd shapes.
At 45,965 a little grassy knoll with cobble front gated shut??  Zombie sounds inside.
106,1091 oil.  204,1056 silverwood tree with some quicksilver droplets - elevatored up to top and gave it a trim with force mitts, got 3 silverwood saplings (rare!).
240,974 oil.
260,800 huge tree with spiderwebs.  desert fortress nearby!  I kept getting a King Slime boss bar in the area but could not find the guy.  Run home.
Came home with about 50 other saplings.  Will make my local area a lot more diverse, right now it's all hopwood trees.  Bleah. Call it a night.


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