FTBUnleashed - start on Applied Energistics

4/10 FTB Unleashed

Quick morning run in my Axum world.  Went out to Beaumont with a safari net, made two 5x5 animal pens side by side, dropped 4 cows in one side.  Set cobble blocks where future machines (breeder, chronotyper, grinder) would go, dug a little basement below so I can access any pipes or wires or goods as needed.  Scrapped my scrapboxer build, they give crap so often, so when it takes about 9 stacks of leaves (etc) to produce one scrapbox and it drops a stick, screw it, I'd rather take the scrap up to my Mass Fabricator once a week.  I dropped tunnels down from Campo (536m from Axum) to my where my 0x transit line will reach one day (I think it has made it to about 380z), connected my "thaum tower" (a pinnacle of rock) to my overland 0x road, was a bit bummed to see that I had done NO development there yet, not even making room to build stuff.

I still like the idea of having a string of small towns about 10 chunks apart each specializing in certain products.  First, to avoid concentrating all machines in one place, potentially getting huge lag, and potentially losing it ALL if there's a corrupted chunk someday.  Also, I don't want to spend my life in just one big room.  I want to get out and roam around.

Successful nether run.  Objectives: find nether quartz (came back with 56 ore), find glowstone (got 19 blocks), secure the nether side of the portal (done), explore a bit, and don't die.  After processing, I was able to drop off 21 certus quartz (+15 dust), 30 nether quartz (+18 dust), 14 silicon and 40 glowstone dust at my Energistics chest.  Should be enough to start building things!

... break ...

Added some recipes to my worktable in AE lab: fluix dust, fluix crystal, quartz knife, basic & advanced processors.

Out at Beaumont, added machines to my two 5x5 cow pens: Chronotyper, 4 Sewer grates, Composter (with chest), Grinder (with tanks and a chest), brought a redstone energy cell to power it all.  Made one new energy cell, left it charging back home.  I see why Thermal Expansion went on to add two more tiers of energy cells ... 600k MJ only lasts so long.  So, when I visit my towns, I can be part repairman -- bringing new energy cells and bringing the old ones home to charge. 

Now to sort out the AE recipes.  I could see having a netowkr at each town, where I can fill an ME Chest, and come to visit with new storage chips, taking the full storage units back to base.

Fx = fluix, Fx* = fluix crystal, Cvm = conversion matrix

Fe NQ* Fe / Fx: MEBP Fx: / Fe CQ* Fe = Conversion matrix (Cvm)
3 Gl / 3 Fx: / 3 Gl = 3 ME Cable (ME=)
- - Stk / Fe Stk - / Q* Q* - = Quartz cutting knife (QCK)

- QCK - / RS Au RS / - Si - = Basic Processor Assembly
[SMELT] Basic Processor Assembly for ME Basic Processor (MEBP)
[ASSEMBLY] Si + RS + Au + 30,000 MJ = MEBP

- QCK - / RS D RS / - Si - = Advanced Processor Assembly
[SMELT] Advanced Processor Assembly for ME Advanced Processor (MEAP)

Storage Cells:
RS CQ* RS / CQ* MEBP CQ* / RS CQ* RS = Storage Cell (SC)
RS MEBP RS / SC Gl SC / RS SC RS = Storage Segment (SS)
Gd MEAP Gd / SS Gl SS / Gd SS Gd = Storage Block (SB)
Gd MEAP Gd / SB Gl SB / Gd SB Gd = Storage Cluster (SCl)
Gl RS Gl / RS SC RS / 3 Fe = ME 1k storage (ME1k)
Gl RS Gl / RS SS RS / 3 Fe = ME 4k storage (ME4k)
Gl RS Gl / RS SB RS / 3 Fe = ME 16k storage (ME16k)
Gl RS Gl / RS SCl RS / 3 Fe = ME 16k storage (ME64k)

Fe Fe Gl / ME= Cvm Gl / Fe Fe Gl = ME Access Terminal (MEAT)
Gl Cvm Gl / Fe Ch Fe / 3 Fe = ME Chest
Fe Fx* Fe / Fx* MEAP Fx* / Fe Fx* Fe = ME Controller
Fe Fe Gl / Crf SC MEAT / Fe Fe Gl = ME Crafting Terminal (MECT)
Fe MEBP Fe / Gl Ch Gl / Fe MEBP Fe = ME Drive
Fe Gl Fe / ME= Cvm Gl / Fe Gl Fe = ME Interface (MEI)
- ME= - / Fe MEI Fe / - Pis - = ME Basic Export Bus
- ME= - / Fe MEI Fe / - StickyPis - = ME Basic Import Bus
- ME= - / - MEI - / 3 Fe = ME Storage Bus
3 Gl / MEDrive ME= MEDrive / Fe MEBP Fe = ME IO Port

Multiblock Mass Assembler COmponents:
Fe Au Fe / Au CQ* AU / Fe Au Fe = ME Assembler Containment Walls
Fe CQ* Fe / Gd MEAP Gd / Fe CQ* Fe = ME Crafting CPU
Fe FeBars Fe / FeBars ME= FEbars / Fe FeBars Fe = ME HEat Vent

Basic setup is ME Controller, about 12 cable, 4K Storage, ME Chest, ME Crafting Terminal:
    16 Fe, 4 Fluix crystals, Chest, 29 Glass, 14 fluix dust,
    37 redstone, 13 certus quartz,
    4 diamonds, 9 silicon, 5 gold, 1 nether quartz.

Eek, hurts my brain.  So I went and extended my 0x transit line further.  Made it to about +540z before mining laser was drained.  I need to find the config file line where Railcraft takes out the vanilla minecraft recipes for rails ... I am NOT going to use that exhausting Railcraft process again.  I want rails in my transit line.  Anyway, my backpacks at the end of the trip had: ores (4 cinnabar, 6 amber, 8 quartz, 87 Fe, 4 Cu, 34 Sn, 79 coal, 1 U), lots of other stuff.  And I dropped off another cow at Beaumont farm.

Silk touching the certus quartz ore doesn't seem like the best bet, so I stopped in at my tinker tables and made a new pickaxe with moss (self-repair) plus lapis block (fortune, 30/450, each 10 points takes a BLOCK of lapis and a single lapis) and emerald (durability).  Well, let's test it out on some of the weird ores that can't be multiplied in machines, like amber.

Yes, breaking the certus quartz ore is better than pulverizing or cooking it, you can get a crystal and a dust, etc.  Extended my 0x tunnel out to +750z, over some new dark caves.  Dug up 0,750 and it's in the desert just past Campo, right next to my road there.  Doing some overland exploration, setting markers for ladders down to tunnels every 150 blocks.  Around -150,600 I found my first tigerwood tree, got saplings.  Passed a long road bed at 640z.  Probably from Campo to that far-off village.  Set posts at -150,450 then -150,300 then -150,150 then -150,0 (underwater).  Kinda fun.   Found my first amaranth sapling in a jungle area.  MFE is full again when I get home, recharge my mining laser.

Quick run at 10pm, connect some of my gridposts by tunnel, always fun tunnelling under the oceans.  Back to Beaumont with my rare saplings, plant em, bonemeal em, they're harvested right away and poof, 6 saplings is now 12.  On the cow side, got 2 beef, 8 leather, 35 industrial fertilizer.  But my farm energy cell is depleted, need to bring a fresh one and recharge it back home...


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