FTBUnleashed - bee madness gets worse

4/26 FTB Unleashed - more bees

I went back and forth on bee breeding, whether it's cheating to read wikis and make notes of breed I want to get, or whether I should just screw around with combinations in-game and take notes in a text file as if I was actually researching something, finding info that wasn't already available.

12:19 - Cultivated DM: Meadows2 (IF): p + 3d.  Meadows (-, add IF): p + 2d (10d).  Forest (ObF): p + 3d (54d).  Mystical Cultivated: empty, change to Meadows rocky, can't find flowers (I planted a few mushrooms under trees).  Attuned (ObF): p + 3d (24d).  Cultivated DM (ObF): mystical diligent p, mystical cultivated d, pure cultivated d (hold).  Rocky (2 IF): p + 2 + 2 comb.  Rocky empty.  Add 2 new bee houses - supposed to have higher pollination rate and no chance of mutations, good for duplicating bees and making honey, can't be piped in or out.

Expanded bee house a bit.  Getting cramped in there.  Added Analyzer in floor, gold chest for pure breeds, iron chest for hybrids, still have apiarist's chest for unknowns (all meadows, rocky, modest at this point).  Analyzer uses 1/10 honey to analyze up to a whole stack of bees, as opposed to beealyzer which uses one drop per bee.  A bit slow, but more affordable.  Okay it now looks like the beealyzer can do one stack at a time per honey drop.  And maybe honey drops make 1/10 liquid honey?   Yes, sooo ... no net gain.  Except that analyzer can have bees piped in and out and ultimately sorted by purebred/hybrid etc etc.

12:35 - Meadows2 (IF): p + 3d (18d).  Meadows (IF): p + 2d + 3 comb.  Forest (ObF): p + 3d (56d).  Attuned (ObF): p + 3d (26d).  Add Meadows Rocky BH.

Common/meadows + common/cultivated = common/meadows queen.
Eldricth/mystical + cultivated/mystical = eldritch/mystical queen.

12:48 - Meadows2 (IF): p + 3d.  Meadows (IF): p + 2d.  Forest (ObF): p + 3d.  Common meadows (-): comb.  Attuned (ObF): p + 3d.  Meadows rocky BH: still waiting.  Eldritch mystical (ObF): pure mystical p (++) [2 generations in captivity], cultivated/eldritch d [natural], mystical/eldritch d [natural], new: pure mystical + pure cultivated = pure mystical queen, move to beehouse #2 to avoid further mutation.  Hybrid leaf blocks: hill cherry (new tree), silver lime silver birch, apple oak silver birch, jungle silver birch, pure jungle.  Yes the Analyzer does saplings as well as bees.  Removed some non-Forestry trees from this area.

Apiarist database now shows I've learned these lineages:
X = Cultivated
Common + Meadows = 12% X
Common + X = 10% Noble (** goal)
Common + X = 10% Diligent
Diligent + X = 8% Unweary
X + Valiant = 10% Excited
Mystical + X + 12% Eldritch
but still mostly unknown.

1:04 - Forest (ObF) p + 3d (60d). Rocky (2IF): p + d + comb.  Common meadows (-): 2 comb, cultivated/meadows p, meadows.common d, meadows/cultivated d - bit of a mess, use c/m p + m/cult d = cultivated/meadows queen.  Meadows/rocky BH: honey comb + rocky comb.  Mystical BH waiting.  Empty.  Attuned (ObF): p + 3d (30d, take 4).  New sapling: red spruce (new tree) silver birch.

Cultivated/excited + cultivated/valiant = cultivated/excited queen, immediately makes valiant/cultivated p, valiant/cultivated d, valiant/excited d; v/c + v/c = v/c queen.  New sapling: pure common beech.

1:20 - Meadows2 (IF): p + 3d. Meadows (IF): p + 2d + comb.  Forest (ObF): p + 3d (62d, take all).  Cultivated/meadows: m/c p, m/c d, pure cultivated d; use m/c + m/c = m/c queen.  Attuned (ObF): p + 3d (28d).  Valiant/Cultivated (ObF): cultivated p, c/v d, pure valiant d (good); use my pure cultivated pair here for pure cultivated q.  MEadows/rocky BH: honey comb + 2 rocky comb.  Mystical BH: 3 mundane comb.  Rocky (2 IF): p + d + 2c.  Add Rocky BH in cave.

1:32 - Forest (ObF): p + 3d (3d).  Meadows/rocky BH: m p + m d + r d, done, did produce quite a few combs.  Cleared some big eucalyptus, had to blast them with mining laser and let the tops burn, protecting my smaller trees.

1:45 - Mystical BH: comb + cultivated/mystical p [3gen], 2 m/c d [nat], use c/m + m/c = c/m queen.  Attuned (ObF): p + 3d.  Meadows/cultivated: 2c + m p + m/c d, c/m d; use m + c/m = pure meadows q (darn).  Forest (ObF) p + 3d.  Meadows (IF): p + 2d.  Attuned (ObF) p + 2d.  Meadows2 (IF 40%): p + 3d.  Rocky (2 IF 50%) p + d + 2c.  Rocky BH: 3c.

2:00 - Cultivated queen wants redstone, drop 6 ore, the ore sparkles when bees hit it, but she's still not happy.  Cultivated/mystical BH - 3c.  Meadows cultivated (-): p + 2d + 2c; change to sorcerous + meadows = sorcerous, hostile environment.  Rocky (2 IF 40%): p + d + C.  Rocky BH: 3c.

Run to desert, start 4 new hives: Sorcerous (IF), Sorcerous (ObF), Modest BH, Modest (-).  Huh, sorcerous wants flowers in arid home, not cactus.  Set it up.  ObF gives instant sorcerous p + d, and 2 meadows d.  Then instant sorcerous/common p+d and pure sorcerous d; use s/c+s = s/c queen.  Little bit of road-building.  Came back to sorcerous/common p, s d, c/s d -- use s/c+s = s/c queen.  Modest (-): p + 2d.  Switch around: pure sorc p + d + ObF.  Sorc/cult p + sorc/common d, sorc d, common/sorc d, use sorc/cult + sorc + frame = sorc/cult queen.  Modest BH: 1 c.


Not really making any progress, other than setting up a desert hive -- nearest desert was 600m away though, don't expect to go out there much.  Maybe I can make a linking book to that location, but I'd have to go through the Nether.  Where I should also look for bees and setup a few hives.  Hmm.  Interesting mission.  Cheated myself a linking book.  Yes I could run all the way back to town and make one and come back, but duh.  Why would I do that?  Just to make the game take more of my time?  ;-)

Looks like I need more common bees (hive bee + different hive bee, 15% chance).  Then common + hive = cultivated (12%) and common + cultivated = noble (10%).  Thought I would have one of those guys by now.  So, I'm just taking mixed batches out to an empty hive, making queens, seeing what I can get.  One of my other hives gave me a pure mystical p&d, so I have a pure mystical queen in that box now.


midnight quick run ... go to carpenter, make some circuit boards (each is 6 redstone up sides + water): 4 basic (1 Sn), 3 enhanced (3 Bz), 3 refined (3 Fe), 2 intricate (3 Au).  3 sturdy casings.  MFSU hit 10 million!  Made 2 apiarist machines [worktable] (6 Cu, center column RS SturdyCasing RS), then 2 genetic machines [worktable] (argh).  Finally made the genepool and two tanks for liquid DNA ... will run on 10 MJ/t, takes 1000 MJ per squished bee.

Hives: rocky: p + d + c.  Rocky BH: p + d + 5c.  Meadows2 (-): p + 3d + 2c.  Meadows (IF 15%): p + 2d + c.  Forest (ObF 50%): p + 3d.  Mystical (2 IF 80%): p + 3d (not stacked) + c.  Attuned (ObF): p + 3d.  Attuned+cultivated: Attuned/cult p + 2 a/c d + Eldritch/cult d; use a/c + a/c = a/c queen.  Meadows BH: 2c.  Meadows BH: 4c.  7 hybrid saplings, none of them new trees.  CEntrifuge haul so far: 75 wax, 35 honey drop, 1 cocoa, 1 magic wax - move to chest.

Made advanced genetic machine [worktable].  Add 3 emeralds, 4 blaze rods, redstone for an isolator.  Then guess what?  You need royal jelly to make serum vials.  I cheated myself two drops just to see how it works.  I used my dopey cultivated queen who wanted redstone but could never find it.  Ran at 15 MJ/t from energy cell in about 20 seconds, got Cultivated Species Serum (average) on the first shot.  Cool.

Headache, done for the night.  I don't know if these notes will help anyone, or if I will ever post them on the blog, I just like to make notes when I play complex games.



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