FTB Ultimate: Bees, ComputerCraft, quarry, overload
3/25/2022 FTB Ultimate
I got the turquoise p + 2d, and the gold p + 2d + a lead nugget. I moved the gold bee out to what used to be "gem row" over by the MFR tree farm, but I moved the emerald bees to alveary #6 (completed last night) out front. And of course the turquoise & indigo pairs went to the Autumn Village lineup.
So, the Autumn bees are: indigo, prussian, lime, natural, bleached, turquoise, saffron, azure, slate, ebony.
I capped off my short night with a fly through the End isles, and came back with about 2 stacks of ores but only 1 sheldonite (gives 2 Ir nuggets in ind. grinder).
3/27/2022 FTB Ultimate
Here's the oversight of the year as far as my MC worlds go: all my bees are either slower or slowest workers, and the best serum I have is normal productivity. No wonder I'm not getting barrels full of products like Hypno was. Okay, so the ftb wiki ( https://ftb.fandom.com/wiki/Speed_(Forestry) ) has these as the fast workers: cultivated and a bunch of bees I either don't have or they're not in this pack at all. Faster: ignis. Fastest: aura, endearing, both from the Magic Bees mod. Ugh, even the first few cultivated bees I scanned were slow or slower.
Okay, some of my doctoral bees are normal workers. I made 12 doses of the normal productivity serum and got some ruby bees up to speed.
In this version of Applied Energistics, the auto crafting is glitchy. Most of the time, it will craft one or two of an item then get stuck, and the crafting monitor does NOT show me what materials were missing, and when that happens, there's usually no way to clear the item. Sometimes you can shift rclick or lclick to get the stuck item to go away. Sometimes not.
I did a Nether run and got 3 hives of ruby bees up to Normal speed, running 3 pairs of industrious bees next. But it's midnight, back to work in the morning, ugh.
3/28/2022 FTB Ultimate
I cranked up my 4 industrious, 4 imperial and 8 ruby hives to Normal speed, along with the alveary of radioactive bees.
I checked the ComputerCraft computer in the corner of the bee lab and yeah, I added files for bees, extra bees & trees years ago, and the check marks are way out of date. Over on my FTB Unleashed world, I used to have the next few planned breeds showing on a 2x2 big screen. My trees files includes all kinds of trees that are not in this pack. But looking at the portable bee database, there are FOUR breeds I can get from desolate:
- desolate + modest = decaying, 15%
- desolate + frugal = skeletal, 15%
- desolate + austere = creepy, 15%
- desolate + mysterious = skulking, 10%
I accidentally(?) made 16 charges of desolate species serum about a week ago, now I have 4 princesses getting their shots, almost ready to go to work. Ugh, two of them came out hot + arid, so I'm chilling them in the acclimatiser. I got DOwn_2 after 6 blocks of ice, faster than inoculations.
(2124) I got the creepy p + 2d, and some new breed is raining down little fireballs on the other alveary. I don't mind that it burned down the teak trees behind the alvearies, or even setting me on fire. I do mind when it sets the alveary itself on fire, or nearby chests. Ugh. And whatever stupid bees these are turning into, they have the long lifespan?? (2133) In the next alveary over, I got the skulking p + 2d. Still getting fireballs. (2136) Still burning up the place. I got the skulking species serum while running around putting out fires. (2140) And the winner is ... a skeletal p + 2d, that's the breed that was bringing down fireballs. Huh. The actual effect shows as "skeletons", just like the creepy bees probably summon creepers.
I took a heap of supplies over to Desert2Suns, including the quarry bag where I dug one default little quarry while adding a stack of blue xy shields to the reactor dome. When done, I packed the parts back into the quarry bag but left the ME Chest with its disk full of stuff at a new building as building materials. I ran wiring from the MFSUs at the foot of the nuclear reactor dome over to the new building, but I am rusty on wiring, since I blew up a line of about 40 gold cable, then blew up some copper cable. So, it's MFSU to glass fiber to MV transformer to gold cable to LV transformer to MFE to copper wires to the LV machines I haven't built yet. But somehow, connecting the ME Chest blew up more copper cable, even though the ME Chest is supposed to use only a tiny trickle of power. Weird. So I gave it its own solar panel & batbox just outside the window for now.
3/29/2022 FTB Ultimate
Of course, I had a head full of ideas and wound up just redecorating basements instead. It's so weird that I am so focused on productivity and automation that I never even stop to replace the dirt floors. Anyway, the basement of the main lab and TE lab now have sensible floor patterns, and I added a row of xy fabs for AE storage: 1k, 4k, 16k, 64k storage. It was funny, but when Hypno started on Applied Energistics around episode 28, he started with five 64k disks ... clearly he and the others had setup many many quarries to get that much material. The rest of us are happy to use AE for weeks on end before ever getting our first 64k disk.
I got the decaying p + 2d. Wiki hunts tell me that the fireballs last night were from the queen having some creepy genes -- the "Creeper" effect is a rain of fireballs that "don't set things on fire", though they clearly burned down those trees. It's the "Creepers' effect (plural) which spawns creepers. In any case, I want more drones of these hostil branch bees, so I guess I have to set them up far from the main base in one of those areas I fenced off years ago but never used until now. Ironically, the skulking bee is the first bee I've gotten with Fast worker speed ... after I spent over an hour inoculating all my main production bees up to Normal speed.
Okay, I put some hives up in a not-too-distant field, and the bees got bitchy. The decaying queen and skeletal and creepy princesses all wanted Hot-Both1 and Arid-Up1, ugh. I did get the zombie effect serum from the extra drone at least. That's a rare item for sure. And the skeletal bees have genome damage [-], but at 4x fertility I just need them to breed a few times to get a good shot at a species serum so I can make a more stable line.
I found that the computer-controlled crafter just inside the door in the main lab actually has a bunch of useful programs in the computer above it. Example: "slabs" says to put blocks to be made into slabs in the top row, I did so with 3 different materials and typed "slabs" and instantly, 30 craftings, all done. No waiting. Interesting. Same with "walls". There are also programs to make armor pieces, pipes, gears and chests.
Why do we do this to ourselves again?
I still have all these little folder papers full of notes & ideas, plus the ones I haven't written down yet, and I'm doing bees again.
The computer in the corner of the bee lab has a few text files of bee breeding info, including one called "bee-plans.txt" which are my plans for the next ones to breed, but it's years behind. I can update it by editing the file directly at D:\Minecraft\MultiMC\instances\FTB Ultimate\.minecraft\saves\experimental\computer\48\bee-plans.txt then viewing it in-game.
Now the decaying queen is running off in the field, and I just put the skeletals out there. The skulking bees have no negative effects so they are running next to my breeding alvearies.
37 scented paneling -> 5 more alveary blocks, moved to chest outside, 12 total. Got 3 spare skeletal drones [-]. Inoculations and acclimatizer, got the creepy bees running on the open field, and took the decaying bees to the desert temple site.
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