FTBUnleashed 5/21/15 - bees, smeltery and solars
5/21 - FTB UNleashed
Well, I finally put all my apiaries in a row, even made some more. Duh. Should have done that two weeks ago. It's so eay and compact to pump them out in a row, through apiarist pipes selecting the species, and to an items chest and extra bees chest at the end of each line. I have a row of 8 and a row of 9. Bee houses are all empty now. Will have to renumber all the others.
13. ind/dil p + dil/ind d and ind/dil d. Run ind/dil + stannum, saw that had a 13% chance instead of 8, goal: lead bee.
Built an iron tank below bee house for liquid DNA. Moved machines, done.
Clifftop farm. Biofuel 834+350b, veggie juice 160b, fruit juice 304b. 4x64+28 xp berries. Feed a stack of melon blocks to block breaker, 4x64+52 slices, make seeds, feed half into bio-reactor, half into squeezer. I'm running a stack of iron in rolling machine downstairs. Creosote 398b, seed oil 122b, biomass 740b, ethanol 591b, mob essence 501b. Check smeltery (yes it's within the chunk loader zone) 379 clear panes done.
Stop to make 64 electrum, 64 iron tank walls, 24 gauge, 8 valves, 2 tesseract frames in ME terminal (took my last stack of ender pearls to fill them, so throw endermen in the grinder); 32 hardened glass.
So here's my first row of apiaries now: Aluminum q + 25d, cuprum q + 21d + IF, imperial q + 18d, majestic q + 15d, primeval q, growing q + 25d, noble 1 + 31d. Item chest: 4 dripping c, 2 Al nuggets, 1 sugar, 4 ancient c, 2rj, 13 honey c, 2 cocoa c, 1 Cu nugget, leave it. Bee chest: 6 primeval d.
Second row: stannum q + 9d, mystical q + 24d, unweary q + 28d, ferrous q + 4d. Item chest: honey c, 2 Sn nuggets, 4 stringy c, mundane c, 4 dripping c, leave it. Bee chest: 4 ferrous d, 6 mystical d.
Built an iron tank under bee lab for honey.
13. got stannum/ind p + d + stannum/dil d. Run stannum/ind + ind*.
15. got common/modest p + d + arid(!)/modest d. Run meadows* + modest* again.
Row 1. 24c + 3 nug + 2 rj + sugar. leave it.
Row 2. 15c + 2 nug, leave it.
Multifarm: 455b of liquid force, take 349 force saplings, 280 force nuggets, 282 sand. Second chest overflowing. Animals escaped from clear panes two blocks high, go replace panes with clear glsass blocks.
13. ind* p + d + d + d. Run ind* + stannum*.
15. common/modest p + arid/modest d + d.
13. stannum/ind p + d + d + d. Huh, now the recipe says stannum + COMMON = 10% plumbum. Argh! Run my common/modest + 3 remaining stannum* d.
Bee lab: make new liquid transposer and carpenter, pump honey into carpenter, setup recipe for scented paneling ... start the crazy alveary build! Full build needs 27 alveary blocks, which each need 8 paneling, which each need a royal jelly, pollen, 2 beeswax, 3 planks, and 14 bucket of honey. That's a big build. I have 960 honey drops on ME network, drop all honey from centrifuges into carpenter for paneling. Start with stack of royal jelly, 3 stacks of wax, 3 stacks of eucalyptus planks, 48 pollen. New tanks: honey 21.5b, DNA 19.5b.
13. stannum/modest p + d + d. Oops. Run stan/mod + common*. Really low on common drones, go setup a colony in my apiary row 2.
15. run forest + meadows, need a common princess (all out). I don't have a common species serum.
Run my arid/modest in isolator, got dead bush pollination serum (ha ha), two other junk serums. Then arid species serum! Make 4, good quality, run my arid/modest d and a rocky p.
13. stannum/common p + d + common/modest d.
13. not working, p + 4d, all mixed breeds, no trace of plumbum.
Throw a common/modest in isolator (got "Down 1 Hum Tol" serum, could let me run marshy bees at home), take my new arid* pair out to desert.
D1. modest q + 18d.
D2. take out sorc q + 7d, run arid* q.
D3. empty, run sorc q + d.
D4. empty.
Home. Run common/stannum in isolator, also got down 1 hum tol. Oops, cooked them both back to empty serums. Run one of my last common/- from chest. Both 1 Temp Tol (got one already). Slower flowering (reuse). COMMON species serum (!). Bee survived, turns out he was a common/noble. Synthesize a batch.
Carpenter out of honey again, got 44 scented paneling. Need 27x8 = 216. Good progress. Hey, liquid transposer does not return wax capsules after emptying them!
Inoculate stannum/common p -> common*. Inoculate eldritch/common d -> eldritch*. Attuned/eldritch d in isolator. Inoculate common/modest p + d -> common*.
13. run common* + stannum* again.
D1. 2c
D2. arid q + no drones, none in chest, must have 1x fertility, pull.
D2. Run my modest* p + eldritch d* + ObF.
D3. sorc p + 2d.
D4. empty, run a modest q from home. Take out ObF.
D2. eld/mod p + d + d. Run eld/mod + mod -> hostile env. Fine, put a modest pair in there, come back later.
13. stannum/common p + d + d. Argh.
15. meadows/forest/common mixes, nothing new.
13. stannum/common p + plumbum* d (first!) + common/stannum d + d + common* d. Run stan/com + common*.
YIkes, scrap overflow chest has overflowed. 27 stacks. Put 5 stacks in hopper, make 107 scrapboxes, feed into my dispenser/chest.
Isolator has 5 junk serums, no bee.
13. stannum/common p + d + d + common* d + d. Run s/c + c.
Inoculate: arid q with 4x fertility.
Row 1 items: 40c + 16 nug + 6 rj, take.
Row 2 items: 26c + 7 Sn nug + Fe nug. Take.
13. common* p + d + d + d + stannum/common d. Okay, I made more common drones, I needed those. But not my goal here. Run common* + stannum*.
Setup a drop chest to convert extra saplings to biomass, uses tesseract to send to main tank.
Put my 4x arid queen back in D2. Warp home.
13. common/- p + d + d + stannum/- d + d. Run again.
13. pretty much the same, run again. Oblivion frame gone.
Isolator: 2 stannum species serum, 2 junk.
15. common/meadows and meadows/common p + 3d. Run p + d + d through inoculator for pure common.
13. common/plumbum p + 3 common* d. run c/p + p* with ObF.
13. plumbum* princess (first!) (1x) + common/plumbum d. To avoid screwing this up, keep breeding until I have another pure plumbum. Inoculate a stannum/ind p to stannum*, run with common*.
13. common/stan p + d + d + d + common/plumbum d.
Row 1. 17c + 6 nug + rj. Drone counts: 33 Al, 32 Cu, 33 imperial, 30 majestic, 1 primeval, 41 growing, 36 noble.
Row 2. 9c + 3 nug. Drones: 39 stannum, 33 mystical, 38 unweary, 43 ferrous.
A1. diligent q, wrong enviro, bring home.
A2. wintry q looking for reeds?? bring home.
A3. wintry q + 48d (put in chest).
S1,3,4 going slowly. S2 queen can't find mushroom, bring home and inoc with flowers pollination.
Honey 29.5b, DNA 30.250b.
A1. frigid p + d.
A2. wintry + icy, goal is glacial. Got icy/wintry q.
A1. got frigid q, hostile enviro. Icy, temp tol 0. Take to base, teach her to like the weather.
A2. got icy* queen with temp tol 1.
Warp back to base, game crashed. Take a walk.
13. stannum/ind p + d + stannum* d. Run a common* p with stannum* d.
Give that Icy queen temp tol 2, bring her back to A1. Bring home 100 wintry drones for DNA.
13. stannum/common p + plumbum/common d + stan/com d. Run my plumbum* p with plum/com d, best shot I've had all night.
64 scented paneling done, out of honey again, grab 16 of the 30 in tank, use cans this time.
13. plum* p + plum/common d, both with 1x fertility, boost to 4x.
I took a break to setup some AE stuff: two sets of ME Interface -> pipe -> cyclic assembler -> furnace -> out. To make a bake the ME Basic and Advanced Processors. Also made patterns for storage cluster and 64k storage, made my first 64k!
Back to bees, my 4x plumbum finally gave me the litter I was looking for: plumbum* (4x slower shorter diurnal nocturnal) p + d + d. Wow! Add them to last available apiary on row 2.
Row 1: drones: 48 aluminum, 36 cuprum, 42 imperial, 39 majestic, 49 growing, 39 noble, 2 primeval -- pull all except primeval. Goods: 22c + 4 rj + 1 nug.
Row 2: drones: 0 plumbum, 0 eldritch (?), 51 stannum, 37 mystical, 44 unweary, 63 ferrous. Goods: 13c + 5 nug. Bee chest: some unstacking ferrous, mystical, 1 eldritch.
Pull eldritch q and primeval q for fertility shots. Ok, eldritch wants cacti, change to flowers, is actually eldritch/modest, change to eld*. Primeval has 4x fertility but minimal offspring, lifespan short/long; primeval are known for the longest lifespans, I wonder if this is the problem. After getting 8 buckets for synth/purifier, DNA tank has 31.8b. I got the primeval queen down to shorter/shortest lifespan but her fertility is now 1x/4x. Not sure how the inactive gene come into play, probably when matching up with offspring drones. Now she needs that fertility shot ...
Holy cow, I went to put the eldritch back in the hive and got poisoned all the way down to half a heart! What the heck?? Cheat a regeneration potion so I can take a look safely, sure enough, the primeval queen has the Poison effect ... time to shoot it up with my effect cancellation serum, took two doses, will have to watch out for effects in the future, huh. Owww. That was nasty. I was unable to drink milk to cancel the effect either.
A1. wintry q - hostile env, wants icy +/- 0. Bring home, try to fix again.
A2. icy q + 2d. 2 ice shards (first!), frozen comb. About 50 icy drones in various stacks in chest.
A3. wintry q + 9d, chest almost full of drones.
Bring home 99 wintry d for DNA.
Duh, will need a lot more royal jelly, so add 3 IF to imperial hive.
Tanks: DNA 32.9b, honey 17.6 (throw 3 more stacks in squeezer), liquid force 413b, mob essence 543b, creosote 428b, seed oil 131b, biomass 650b, ethanol 682b, biofuel 819+412b, veggie juice 173b, fruit juice 347b.
Multifarm, bring home about 3 stacks each of saplings, nuggets, sand. Also 5 stacks of highly redundant forestry saplings -> biomass chest. Guess I can also drop plantballs down there, since the fermenter runs on water it won't need refilling, but its energy cell might give out. Check the ME network: 581 force gems, 153 force ingots, 291 force logs, 878 force nuggets (made 97 ingots), 1536 force saplings (made 6 stacks of plantballs for biomass disposal chute).
Done for the night. Really need to setup a row of bio generators to start burning the biofuel into a tesseract power channel, can even output the ethanol -> unifier -> biofuel, way more efficient (16 MJ/t each) than biogas engines that give 4 or 8 MJ/t.
5/22 - FTB UNleashed
Took a quick run with two intra-linking books, some walls and apiaries. Was looking for a Plains biome where I can setup a bee breeding station, somewhere I can use oblivion frames and generate lots of flux and not really care if there are side effects. Instead I stopped at the abandoned mine I had written on my map a few weeks ago, made a quick link to get back there. Figured I could find some steadfast bees in chests, found 3 chests, but no bees. Came home with a backpack full of ores and an iron chest full of goodies that I just dropped at the ME network dump spot.
Recent smeltery output: blocks of tin (38), gold (26), silver (14), aluminum (38), alumite (1), iron (43), copper (48); 3x64+35 clear glass, 5 stacks of clear glass panes.
Moved my oreberry farm near/under the smeltery, not really an important source of metals, but I do like to utilize all options.
Did some tunnelling, looking for a Plains biome, never found one, but I did pass extreme hills, forest and desert and picked up some bees. Made some surface huts for quick tunnel access, every 150 blocks. Came home with 3 stacks of quartz; 3 stacks of iron ore, 86 Cu, 64 Sn, etc etc.
Biofuel 786+431b, mob essence 579b, biomass 459b, ethanol 817b (!), seed oil 137b, creosote 431b.
Check on bees:
Row 1 goods: 46 dripping c, 24 honey c, 8 ancient c, 17 rj, 11 Cu nug, 9 Al nug. Drones: aluminum 63, cuprum 13, imperial 21, majestic 21, primeval 7 (many unmatched one in chest), growing 22, noble 7.
Row 2 goods: 11 stringy c, 19 honey c, 5 mundane c, 7 Pb nug, 15 Sn nug, 1 Fe nug. Drones: plumbum 39, eldritch 0 (only 3 in chest?), stannum 42, mystical 13, unweary 14, ferrous 60.
Got 96 scented paneling, carpenter out of honey again, run 3 stacks of honeydew in squeezer. Throw 2 stacks of lime wood in seed oil carpenter for impreg casings. 5 alveary blocks done. 8. 10.
Multifarm: 426b liquid force, animals have escaped from a 2-high solid wall of clear glass? Brought back 5 stack of forestry sapling overstock for biomass disposal. Made 2 bio generators by mistake, wanted biofuel generators.
Run to arctic bee station, do a quick overhaul, automate the 3 apiaries on a single set of pipes, bring home about 400 wintry (etc) bees in my backpack. Mostly for DNA. Put my last 3 royal jelly in carpenter. 16 alveary blocks, 22 more impreg casings (those are the easy part!). Throw another heap of honey stuff in squeezer, down to 384 honey drops and 488 honeydew in ME network. Which still seems like a lot.
My 4 imp frames are gone, make 3 more for imperials. Pull the eldritch q (not doing anything), run a mystical q with 15 imperial drones, in theory this should loop and create an imperial princess over time.
Row 2 has been really unproductive. 17 alveary blocks, out of royal jelly.
Smeltery: 80 blocks of iron, 20 Cu, 22 Sn.
Made AE patterns for all components of Advanced Solar Panel (just have to compress the iridium manually for now), crafted one, encoded all patterns for hybrid solar panel, crafted one, installed it. Chronically low on glowstone, and hating the nether, I added the pattern - X - / X - X / X X X of UU-matter to make 8 glowstone blocks, craft 32, put 31 in macerator which auto-feeds into an ME interface.
Took down my old solars and my advanced solar, now running a total of 5 hybrid solar panels, each says it's outputting 64 EU/t in daytime, but they still can't keep up with the ONE mass fab on medium voltage (which should only be using 128 EU/t)?? I've never had so much power gen in IC2, and it's still not enough? Maybe a wiring problem.
Done for the night.
Well, I finally put all my apiaries in a row, even made some more. Duh. Should have done that two weeks ago. It's so eay and compact to pump them out in a row, through apiarist pipes selecting the species, and to an items chest and extra bees chest at the end of each line. I have a row of 8 and a row of 9. Bee houses are all empty now. Will have to renumber all the others.
13. ind/dil p + dil/ind d and ind/dil d. Run ind/dil + stannum, saw that had a 13% chance instead of 8, goal: lead bee.
Built an iron tank below bee house for liquid DNA. Moved machines, done.
Clifftop farm. Biofuel 834+350b, veggie juice 160b, fruit juice 304b. 4x64+28 xp berries. Feed a stack of melon blocks to block breaker, 4x64+52 slices, make seeds, feed half into bio-reactor, half into squeezer. I'm running a stack of iron in rolling machine downstairs. Creosote 398b, seed oil 122b, biomass 740b, ethanol 591b, mob essence 501b. Check smeltery (yes it's within the chunk loader zone) 379 clear panes done.
Stop to make 64 electrum, 64 iron tank walls, 24 gauge, 8 valves, 2 tesseract frames in ME terminal (took my last stack of ender pearls to fill them, so throw endermen in the grinder); 32 hardened glass.
So here's my first row of apiaries now: Aluminum q + 25d, cuprum q + 21d + IF, imperial q + 18d, majestic q + 15d, primeval q, growing q + 25d, noble 1 + 31d. Item chest: 4 dripping c, 2 Al nuggets, 1 sugar, 4 ancient c, 2rj, 13 honey c, 2 cocoa c, 1 Cu nugget, leave it. Bee chest: 6 primeval d.
Second row: stannum q + 9d, mystical q + 24d, unweary q + 28d, ferrous q + 4d. Item chest: honey c, 2 Sn nuggets, 4 stringy c, mundane c, 4 dripping c, leave it. Bee chest: 4 ferrous d, 6 mystical d.
Built an iron tank under bee lab for honey.
13. got stannum/ind p + d + stannum/dil d. Run stannum/ind + ind*.
15. got common/modest p + d + arid(!)/modest d. Run meadows* + modest* again.
Row 1. 24c + 3 nug + 2 rj + sugar. leave it.
Row 2. 15c + 2 nug, leave it.
Multifarm: 455b of liquid force, take 349 force saplings, 280 force nuggets, 282 sand. Second chest overflowing. Animals escaped from clear panes two blocks high, go replace panes with clear glsass blocks.
13. ind* p + d + d + d. Run ind* + stannum*.
15. common/modest p + arid/modest d + d.
13. stannum/ind p + d + d + d. Huh, now the recipe says stannum + COMMON = 10% plumbum. Argh! Run my common/modest + 3 remaining stannum* d.
Bee lab: make new liquid transposer and carpenter, pump honey into carpenter, setup recipe for scented paneling ... start the crazy alveary build! Full build needs 27 alveary blocks, which each need 8 paneling, which each need a royal jelly, pollen, 2 beeswax, 3 planks, and 14 bucket of honey. That's a big build. I have 960 honey drops on ME network, drop all honey from centrifuges into carpenter for paneling. Start with stack of royal jelly, 3 stacks of wax, 3 stacks of eucalyptus planks, 48 pollen. New tanks: honey 21.5b, DNA 19.5b.
13. stannum/modest p + d + d. Oops. Run stan/mod + common*. Really low on common drones, go setup a colony in my apiary row 2.
15. run forest + meadows, need a common princess (all out). I don't have a common species serum.
Run my arid/modest in isolator, got dead bush pollination serum (ha ha), two other junk serums. Then arid species serum! Make 4, good quality, run my arid/modest d and a rocky p.
13. stannum/common p + d + common/modest d.
13. not working, p + 4d, all mixed breeds, no trace of plumbum.
Throw a common/modest in isolator (got "Down 1 Hum Tol" serum, could let me run marshy bees at home), take my new arid* pair out to desert.
D1. modest q + 18d.
D2. take out sorc q + 7d, run arid* q.
D3. empty, run sorc q + d.
D4. empty.
Home. Run common/stannum in isolator, also got down 1 hum tol. Oops, cooked them both back to empty serums. Run one of my last common/- from chest. Both 1 Temp Tol (got one already). Slower flowering (reuse). COMMON species serum (!). Bee survived, turns out he was a common/noble. Synthesize a batch.
Carpenter out of honey again, got 44 scented paneling. Need 27x8 = 216. Good progress. Hey, liquid transposer does not return wax capsules after emptying them!
Inoculate stannum/common p -> common*. Inoculate eldritch/common d -> eldritch*. Attuned/eldritch d in isolator. Inoculate common/modest p + d -> common*.
13. run common* + stannum* again.
D1. 2c
D2. arid q + no drones, none in chest, must have 1x fertility, pull.
D2. Run my modest* p + eldritch d* + ObF.
D3. sorc p + 2d.
D4. empty, run a modest q from home. Take out ObF.
D2. eld/mod p + d + d. Run eld/mod + mod -> hostile env. Fine, put a modest pair in there, come back later.
13. stannum/common p + d + d. Argh.
15. meadows/forest/common mixes, nothing new.
13. stannum/common p + plumbum* d (first!) + common/stannum d + d + common* d. Run stan/com + common*.
YIkes, scrap overflow chest has overflowed. 27 stacks. Put 5 stacks in hopper, make 107 scrapboxes, feed into my dispenser/chest.
Isolator has 5 junk serums, no bee.
13. stannum/common p + d + d + common* d + d. Run s/c + c.
Inoculate: arid q with 4x fertility.
Row 1 items: 40c + 16 nug + 6 rj, take.
Row 2 items: 26c + 7 Sn nug + Fe nug. Take.
13. common* p + d + d + d + stannum/common d. Okay, I made more common drones, I needed those. But not my goal here. Run common* + stannum*.
Setup a drop chest to convert extra saplings to biomass, uses tesseract to send to main tank.
Put my 4x arid queen back in D2. Warp home.
13. common/- p + d + d + stannum/- d + d. Run again.
13. pretty much the same, run again. Oblivion frame gone.
Isolator: 2 stannum species serum, 2 junk.
15. common/meadows and meadows/common p + 3d. Run p + d + d through inoculator for pure common.
13. common/plumbum p + 3 common* d. run c/p + p* with ObF.
13. plumbum* princess (first!) (1x) + common/plumbum d. To avoid screwing this up, keep breeding until I have another pure plumbum. Inoculate a stannum/ind p to stannum*, run with common*.
13. common/stan p + d + d + d + common/plumbum d.
Row 1. 17c + 6 nug + rj. Drone counts: 33 Al, 32 Cu, 33 imperial, 30 majestic, 1 primeval, 41 growing, 36 noble.
Row 2. 9c + 3 nug. Drones: 39 stannum, 33 mystical, 38 unweary, 43 ferrous.
A1. diligent q, wrong enviro, bring home.
A2. wintry q looking for reeds?? bring home.
A3. wintry q + 48d (put in chest).
S1,3,4 going slowly. S2 queen can't find mushroom, bring home and inoc with flowers pollination.
Honey 29.5b, DNA 30.250b.
A1. frigid p + d.
A2. wintry + icy, goal is glacial. Got icy/wintry q.
A1. got frigid q, hostile enviro. Icy, temp tol 0. Take to base, teach her to like the weather.
A2. got icy* queen with temp tol 1.
Warp back to base, game crashed. Take a walk.
13. stannum/ind p + d + stannum* d. Run a common* p with stannum* d.
Give that Icy queen temp tol 2, bring her back to A1. Bring home 100 wintry drones for DNA.
13. stannum/common p + plumbum/common d + stan/com d. Run my plumbum* p with plum/com d, best shot I've had all night.
64 scented paneling done, out of honey again, grab 16 of the 30 in tank, use cans this time.
13. plum* p + plum/common d, both with 1x fertility, boost to 4x.
I took a break to setup some AE stuff: two sets of ME Interface -> pipe -> cyclic assembler -> furnace -> out. To make a bake the ME Basic and Advanced Processors. Also made patterns for storage cluster and 64k storage, made my first 64k!
Back to bees, my 4x plumbum finally gave me the litter I was looking for: plumbum* (4x slower shorter diurnal nocturnal) p + d + d. Wow! Add them to last available apiary on row 2.
Row 1: drones: 48 aluminum, 36 cuprum, 42 imperial, 39 majestic, 49 growing, 39 noble, 2 primeval -- pull all except primeval. Goods: 22c + 4 rj + 1 nug.
Row 2: drones: 0 plumbum, 0 eldritch (?), 51 stannum, 37 mystical, 44 unweary, 63 ferrous. Goods: 13c + 5 nug. Bee chest: some unstacking ferrous, mystical, 1 eldritch.
Pull eldritch q and primeval q for fertility shots. Ok, eldritch wants cacti, change to flowers, is actually eldritch/modest, change to eld*. Primeval has 4x fertility but minimal offspring, lifespan short/long; primeval are known for the longest lifespans, I wonder if this is the problem. After getting 8 buckets for synth/purifier, DNA tank has 31.8b. I got the primeval queen down to shorter/shortest lifespan but her fertility is now 1x/4x. Not sure how the inactive gene come into play, probably when matching up with offspring drones. Now she needs that fertility shot ...
Holy cow, I went to put the eldritch back in the hive and got poisoned all the way down to half a heart! What the heck?? Cheat a regeneration potion so I can take a look safely, sure enough, the primeval queen has the Poison effect ... time to shoot it up with my effect cancellation serum, took two doses, will have to watch out for effects in the future, huh. Owww. That was nasty. I was unable to drink milk to cancel the effect either.
A1. wintry q - hostile env, wants icy +/- 0. Bring home, try to fix again.
A2. icy q + 2d. 2 ice shards (first!), frozen comb. About 50 icy drones in various stacks in chest.
A3. wintry q + 9d, chest almost full of drones.
Bring home 99 wintry d for DNA.
Duh, will need a lot more royal jelly, so add 3 IF to imperial hive.
Tanks: DNA 32.9b, honey 17.6 (throw 3 more stacks in squeezer), liquid force 413b, mob essence 543b, creosote 428b, seed oil 131b, biomass 650b, ethanol 682b, biofuel 819+412b, veggie juice 173b, fruit juice 347b.
Multifarm, bring home about 3 stacks each of saplings, nuggets, sand. Also 5 stacks of highly redundant forestry saplings -> biomass chest. Guess I can also drop plantballs down there, since the fermenter runs on water it won't need refilling, but its energy cell might give out. Check the ME network: 581 force gems, 153 force ingots, 291 force logs, 878 force nuggets (made 97 ingots), 1536 force saplings (made 6 stacks of plantballs for biomass disposal chute).
Done for the night. Really need to setup a row of bio generators to start burning the biofuel into a tesseract power channel, can even output the ethanol -> unifier -> biofuel, way more efficient (16 MJ/t each) than biogas engines that give 4 or 8 MJ/t.
5/22 - FTB UNleashed
Took a quick run with two intra-linking books, some walls and apiaries. Was looking for a Plains biome where I can setup a bee breeding station, somewhere I can use oblivion frames and generate lots of flux and not really care if there are side effects. Instead I stopped at the abandoned mine I had written on my map a few weeks ago, made a quick link to get back there. Figured I could find some steadfast bees in chests, found 3 chests, but no bees. Came home with a backpack full of ores and an iron chest full of goodies that I just dropped at the ME network dump spot.
Recent smeltery output: blocks of tin (38), gold (26), silver (14), aluminum (38), alumite (1), iron (43), copper (48); 3x64+35 clear glass, 5 stacks of clear glass panes.
Moved my oreberry farm near/under the smeltery, not really an important source of metals, but I do like to utilize all options.
Did some tunnelling, looking for a Plains biome, never found one, but I did pass extreme hills, forest and desert and picked up some bees. Made some surface huts for quick tunnel access, every 150 blocks. Came home with 3 stacks of quartz; 3 stacks of iron ore, 86 Cu, 64 Sn, etc etc.
Biofuel 786+431b, mob essence 579b, biomass 459b, ethanol 817b (!), seed oil 137b, creosote 431b.
Check on bees:
Row 1 goods: 46 dripping c, 24 honey c, 8 ancient c, 17 rj, 11 Cu nug, 9 Al nug. Drones: aluminum 63, cuprum 13, imperial 21, majestic 21, primeval 7 (many unmatched one in chest), growing 22, noble 7.
Row 2 goods: 11 stringy c, 19 honey c, 5 mundane c, 7 Pb nug, 15 Sn nug, 1 Fe nug. Drones: plumbum 39, eldritch 0 (only 3 in chest?), stannum 42, mystical 13, unweary 14, ferrous 60.
Got 96 scented paneling, carpenter out of honey again, run 3 stacks of honeydew in squeezer. Throw 2 stacks of lime wood in seed oil carpenter for impreg casings. 5 alveary blocks done. 8. 10.
Multifarm: 426b liquid force, animals have escaped from a 2-high solid wall of clear glass? Brought back 5 stack of forestry sapling overstock for biomass disposal. Made 2 bio generators by mistake, wanted biofuel generators.
Run to arctic bee station, do a quick overhaul, automate the 3 apiaries on a single set of pipes, bring home about 400 wintry (etc) bees in my backpack. Mostly for DNA. Put my last 3 royal jelly in carpenter. 16 alveary blocks, 22 more impreg casings (those are the easy part!). Throw another heap of honey stuff in squeezer, down to 384 honey drops and 488 honeydew in ME network. Which still seems like a lot.
My 4 imp frames are gone, make 3 more for imperials. Pull the eldritch q (not doing anything), run a mystical q with 15 imperial drones, in theory this should loop and create an imperial princess over time.
Row 2 has been really unproductive. 17 alveary blocks, out of royal jelly.
Smeltery: 80 blocks of iron, 20 Cu, 22 Sn.
Made AE patterns for all components of Advanced Solar Panel (just have to compress the iridium manually for now), crafted one, encoded all patterns for hybrid solar panel, crafted one, installed it. Chronically low on glowstone, and hating the nether, I added the pattern - X - / X - X / X X X of UU-matter to make 8 glowstone blocks, craft 32, put 31 in macerator which auto-feeds into an ME interface.
Took down my old solars and my advanced solar, now running a total of 5 hybrid solar panels, each says it's outputting 64 EU/t in daytime, but they still can't keep up with the ONE mass fab on medium voltage (which should only be using 128 EU/t)?? I've never had so much power gen in IC2, and it's still not enough? Maybe a wiring problem.
Done for the night.
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