Overgrown-1-1: Rustic cabinets, Patchwork magnet

3/20/2021 Overgrown-1-1

I ran out to track an X on a buried treasure map, but the darn thing was not there, so I left the map in a chest with a waypoint for a future trip.  Back home, I tried powering the Cmecical Separator, but a hand-cranked generator (Calculator mod) did not do it.  A simple stirling generator (Ender IO) did power the thing long enough for me to get some hydrogen to craft the Periodic Table.  What a well-made item.  You r-click to get a half-screen periodic table, r-click again for full screen, escape to reduce it again.  It does not hang on the wall but if you put it in an item frame, hard to believe, but up really close there's enough resolution to read the tiny element codes and atomic numbers.

After that, I expanded the walls around my prefab house, all the way down to the shoreline and back up around to the bird shack.  I made the Egg Identifier (Exotic Birds mod), but the two unidentified eggs I tried both broke.  It uses redstone for power.  Those birds add a bit of color to the various biomes around the world, but I don't see any real point to them.  I guess I can start a kiwi ranch somewhere as an oddball challenge.  They all drop bird meat, but with hundreds of other foods in the world, I won't be using it much.  

I moved some things back into that big temple by my house: chests for DungeonTactics stuff, Patchwork doo-dads and Quark spell books.  I will set up various mod potion brewing systems in there, for when I am in the mood.  There are also two brewing systems for booze and drinks: one of them in the Rustic mod.  So many activites.  Last night I found a massive flat red sands biome with some mesa peaks, which should be enough room for a MineColonies city.  The colony in my previous world ran out of space on the Tahiti island I started it on.

I crafted a squid pet which looking for that riverbank treasure.  Now I need to go for a squid run...

after 10pm

First thing, I had to set up some hopper bonsai trays to get a regular supply of wood.  In the last world, I had deluxe crafting tables and crafting hoppers.  1031: I have 3 hopper bonsai pots, over whichever chests had room right now.  Turns out the trees from Plants mod and Project Vibrant Journeys do not work on these, but I remember the Rustic olive trees do work, I just walked past them without collecting saplings.  1038: quick run across the river, now I have an olive sapling in that third bonsai hopper, and I made a crushing tub as well.  Hmm, thought I had an ironwood sapling.

1103: hopped to some waypoints, crossed a big lake in squid mode, explored plains with yet another dungeon house and an odd tower on the hill that explodes when you go up the ladder.  Came home with new saplings: ironwood, spruce, dark oak.

1219: I put some apples in the crushing tub and jumped on them to get apple tree seeds (Rustic mod): these grow into saplings which don't work in the bonsai pots, but do grow into special trees with apple leaves which grow apples inside the leaves to be harvested by rclicking.  I built a "virtual logging company", which is a slate shell of a building with chests with bonsai hoppers, alternating one high then floor level, with 6 hoppers running different trees.  Which reminds me how many darm sticks these generate.  And then to pack the sticks into blocks we need those bark ties which need wool, which mean fussing with Animania sheep.

I did another detour to check out a buried treaseure map, this one did pan out, oddly in the middle of a forest, far inland, but a chest is a chest, so bam.  Mine now.  Coming out of that hole, a white owl scared the crap out of me.  So I made a mob net and took him home with me.

I figured out how to activate the item Magnet (Patchwork mod), hold it and rclick, then put it in a baubles slot.

I made some Rustic cabinets, various wood colors.  They hold the same amount as chests, but they can be embedded in the wall, taking up less floor space.  I made a Rustic brewing barrel, squashed 4 wildberries in the crushing tub, rclicked with a glass bottle and pur it in the barrel ... almost done with my first brew.  Takes about half a Minecraft day, as the wiki said.  I also made a Rustic apiary and a HarvestCraft apiary.  I ,ade some fertile soil (Rustic mod, just soil + bonemeal, requires no water and cannot be trampled), planted the one jute seed I had -- maybe I can make up for a lack of sheep with a lot of string.  1247: bottle of wildberry wine, quality 0.53.  Run 4 bottles of honey next, log out for the night.


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