Overgrowth 1.10.2: Vee City revisited

7/27/2000  Overgrowth 1.10.2

I recall that this pack didn't load on my new laptop last two times I tried.

It ran for a little while.  I woke up in my neolithic settlement and sorted some items in jars.

Tp'd to my Mystical Ag farm and looked around a bit.  Crashed when I looked at the inventory of a worktable.

Well, that's another deep and wild modpack.  Just around the Midvale area (formerly Mudville) there are all those little shacks surrounded by different types of crops, each making a few different things and putting them in dispensers.  I rarely expect to play at that small a scale, but it was something to walk around and see places creating mud & dirt from crops, all the Earthworks materials, Harvestcraft crops, furniture from each different type of wood, honey & wax, Roots mod stuff, resource chickens, edible bugs, fluid cows, basic Botania stuff ... hard to see how a person could ever get bored with all those experiments going.  On one plot, there is a single Rustic beehive driving the grass growth, and a guy who just punches the grass, gets seeds and flowers, and he can now craft root stew, dandelion stew, and a few other basic soups & salads.

The next town over had limestone & silicon essences overflowing their chest where the CustomNPCs farmer was trying to put them.  I cleaned that up and have over a bareel (2058) limestone.  Plus some Plants mod plants, and down in the cave, Rockhounding materials and a cutter to make all those cool pylons and columns and stuff from that batch of 30-40 minerals.

Then there's the Ender Book (from the Ender Book mod) which is already set to teleport me to 15 different locations at will.  One location was the Salty mod salt flat, a mod which adds even more odd foods and blocks.  Chisel mod for endless variety of blocks, and Everything Blocks to make any item into a block with colors taken from the item graphic.  There's nothing like tiling a floor with blocks made of excess turnips and seeds, for subtle colors not seen in any other block.

Back at the Spawn VIllage, I have a home where Rustic stuff is made, some plots creating Botania livingrock and livinwood, an auto-fishery, a CUstomNPC endlessly harvesting a field, more chickens with henhouses overflowing, a stall with two christmas cows from who knows how many years ago, a room of silent librarians with interesting enchanted book deals, a basement of fluid cows to milk, a jam guy, a small house with machines from Slime Compendium, a neglected shack for making chainmail with the Maille mod, all kinds of little setups and things to explore.

Spawn Village
Spawn Village looking North

The settlement called The Willows is neat: a modest hilltop where most of the homes are tucked underneath white willow trees, and there is a small variety of crops and a mine.

The main city has a ton of buildings:
- an empty chicken coop (moved elsewhere to help with lag spikes)
- an automatic bird nest breaker
- a massive Prefab storage building with two floors and a basement, with my Rockhounding machines on top floor, chests and Thermal Expansion stuff and my wall of drawers of fish on ground floor.
- a 3-story Prefab factory building with my EnderIO machinery, 50M in a capacitor bank, An AA empowerer upstairs, and my Astral Sorcery luminous crafting table on the roof facing the stars; there is a mix of EU generators in the basement including a row of 3 culinary generators that run on toast; also about a dozen worktables with machine recipes sorted by mod.  AA laser energy relays beam power out to other buildings
- a colorful building for crafting Ebon Arts blocks, armor and tools
- a small shack with compacting drawers for dirt, stone, obsidian, glowstone, and worktables to make Prefab parts and buildings
- my main base with Refined Storage system (about 50,000 items); worktable for merging loot bags, supremium furnace, an EU2 resonator (6 fire mills in basement) for grid power, compacting drawers for gravel & netherrack, a villager head selling oreberry bush seeds, a tinker's smeltery outside (hooked to RS system) with more fluid cows; upstairs my bedroom with advanced crafting table and a few brewing stands; a loot bag operner and uncrafting grinder hooked to RS system.
- cocoa farm, about 50 blocks worth
- massive Prefab farm with Mystical Ag crops and a back room full of Mystical Ag recipes and mechanical crafters (EU) to tier up the essences.
- Prefab mod grinder on the hilltop
- a spot over the lake with igneous extruder and series of compacting drawers for cobble, got 4 quad-compressed
- two big Prefab greenhouses; one is empty, the other has portals to the Cavern mod dimensions and a magic bean farm with its own mini RS storage system for all the random stuff
- pens which have way more Animania animals that I remember having
- big colorful house for Cavern mod ores and products
- Calculator mod workshop with a few tanzanite and amethyst trees
- explosives factory with a 3x3 patch of saltpeter crops out front

Vee City: Prefab farm with Mystic Agriculture and other crops
Vee City overview

I also ran through the orc caves where each clan has a unique mineral lining their caves, down to the dwarven city inside the walls of the deep chasm.  Again, each family has a unique mineral, but these are more carefully carved-out little hallways with tools, furnaces, sleeping places.  So much good stuff here.  I can always play one NPC, take some coins and blocks and go trade with others.  I even have CustomNPCs bankers acting as money changers, so different areas can have different currencies.  Though, most of the time I just play as myself, the Overseer, and enjoy just adding to what's already there.


Dwarven Chasm Town




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