Epic Proportions Season 10v: CustomNPCs and WarpBook

9/12-13/2020 Epic Proportions Season 10

I slowly found more iron and expanded chests to gold chests, so at Plains Base I have two chests just for opening loot bags and dropping off all the odds & ends.  I spent a half hour in new worldgen looking for even a single MFR rubber tree, but found none.  All I had was a sacred rubber tree sapling from a loot bag, and luckily I recalled that it was a legendary item and checked it out on YouTube first.  Yup, that one grows to world height with a canopy some 200+ blocks wide, and there were videos showing multiple harvesters chipping away at it for days, pulling out over 6 million blocks of logs.  That's a bit much.

Next day, I found a mega rubber sapling, which sounds even worse, but I ran out to a nearby hilltop and planted it.  I immediately started suffocatin in the trunk of the thing, but I Tp'd back to base, and came back figuring it would be pretty easy to find.  Sure, it's about the size of the redwood trees from other mods.  I laddered up to the canopy and finally got ONE normal rubber tree sapling to work with.  Fun little side adventure.  The mega tree grew to cloud level, base about 5 blocks thick, canopy about 32m diameter.  Good size for a tree base.

Well, the trader NPCs still don't work.  So I have to make my own versions using CustomNPCs.

Found a Lottoman on my roof in the Overworld.  His trades:
5 silver coins = gem bag
5 gold coins = 1 magic repair dust
25 + 25 gold coins = 15 magic repair dust
15 orbulon = 2 magic repair dust
7 gold = shiny box

So I set up a matching CustomNPCs trader and kept the original NPC in a golden lasso in the nearby chest.  Checking the other traders I captured, the Realm Shifter just [ays random coin prices for extra realmstones, the naturalist charges a stack of copper coins for any two AoA seeds, and I can't find the metalloid NPC, the one who I recall had the good deals.

I added the WarpBook mod, because it is my favorite way of getting around.

I opened one of those bad birthday presents out in the back yard ... it posted "He, let's see you get out of this," and dropped me in some kind of pit of lava.  I tp'd back to base, and found another of those annoying 11x11x11 bedrock cubes with nether brick interior and lava dripping down the four corners.  And the /fill command wasn't added until the very next version of Minceraft (1.8) so I guess I'm stuck with it.  Hmm ... a possibly perfect use for it?  Home to my portal to the Abyss.

Got my first look at the Abyss dimension.  Super-dark below ground but just visible enough above ground.  I started on a 2-high cobble wall as soon as I stepped through the portal, and slowly expanded that, the tunnelled to a nearby hilltop.  No obvious structures, just odd black shapes poking up into the blazing red sky.  Maybe one lotto tower, but as I tried digging and bridging over to it, some creature was pulling me toward it, off my walkway into trouble.  Which is when I noticed I never made a waypoint back to the portal, so back I went.  There sure was a lot of crrepy moaning in that dimension.

Back home, another metalloid passed through, so I grabbed a lasso and got him.  Trades:
4 silver coin = 1 amethyst ingot
8 silver = 1 jade ingot
10 silver = 1 rosite ingot
5 gold = 1 sapphire ingot
amethyst ingot = 2 silver
jade = 4
rosite = 8
sapphire ingot = 3 gold

Recipe ideas:
SAG mill: tetrahedrite 1662 = 2 iron dust 7130:1, 2 sulfur 6131, 1 Cu 7130:3

Uses for halloween essence? 6512, ingot=6513, block 1877, spooky essence 6510, ingot - 6511
+ 4 mushrooms = orange mushroom stem 1054, top 440, peach mushroom 1012, mushroom blocks 99 & 100
orange dye 351:14
halloween pail 6514
creepy block 1879
candy corn 6528
halloween peeps 6532
jelly beans 6531

smelt block of amethyst 1619 = amethyst AoA 4146

I did finally make an MFR Grinder, and it does remove the non-NPC mobs from AoA.  Some of them like the goalby can not be picked up in a golden lasso, but I was able to grab a goblin, magicke and goalby in safari nets, drop them in front of the grinder, and poof.  The next test is if the Spawner will spawn them or not, then I can setup some of the weirdest spawner/grinders ever.

My mercurial armor is just about finished, so I started alloying some dark steel as a replacement.  Of course, I will need an anvil to do the proper upgrades, and iron is still not common.


9/14/2020 Epic Proportions Season 10

Well, the grinder from OresPlus is not working in this version.  And MineTweaker has no support for EnderIO in 1.7.10 either, so, new recipe: AA/AA (tetrahedrite ore) = nether iron + copper ore + sulfur ore.

Here was a fun encounter.  I love the nicknames that Infernal Mobs comes up with:


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