FTB Ultimate expansions

3/30/2017 FTB Ultimate expansions

-- crazy day of programming work.  A client company waited until state inspectors were at their location before asking whether our interface to the state regulatory database was working, and of course that API had changed since the code was last updated at the end of the year, so big big crunch to test and fix things and get them a test procedure to pass the inspection ... --

[1925] Dropped 2 stacks of iron ore in my pulverizer/furnace stacks.  Always a little lag when lots of items hit an ME import bus.  Anyway, factorization ... crystallizers are slow as sloths, but my energy bridge shows they draw no power.  Now dropping 64 iron ore in the grinder.  32 EU/t.  The gravel hits the mixer, and it's a constant 6 EU/t draw with spikes of 32 ... slag furnace kicks in, and it's a steady 11 EU/t with spikes of 32.  Not bad power usage, actually.  Looks like it's converting EU/t to Charge at almost exactly 1:1.

Info Panel, just cheated a Color Upgrade for testing.  Sure enough, it adds a "T" button to the UI where I can click and set the background and text colors.  Nice.  Wacky-ass recipe with multiple dyes around a copper wire.

Project table for nuclear controls: new plan for EU-Reader, frequency trasmitter, finally energy sensor kit.

Assembling machine: drop 4 RI# + 8 El# for 8 basic circuit boards.  Then BCB + 3 CuWire = circuit.  Add those recipes to Info Panel.  32 Cu in wiremill ... back to crafting table, make 3 more info panels.

[1950] Too cool ... I now have 3 information panels over the door to the Power Station:
    LESU: 17,712,775 ov 18 million
    MFSU roof: 7,341,000 of 10 million
    MFSU 2: 10,000,000 of 10 million
     Oddly, a redstone torch on the backs of the panels won't light them, but levers do work. 88 UU ready up top, throw in another 3 stacks of nikolite as amplifier.

[2019] Moved some butche villagers to new digs by the actual livestock ranch, but they have no good trades, and my cows keep despawning, and the pigs have a breeder with 4 stacks of carrots but won't breed??  That whole area is a mess.  Factorization: 64+64+32 reduced iron in chest, 250% yield as promised.  I can just toss these into a furnace, or wait a few hours for the crystallizer to bump that up to 300% ... but that really only makes sense of silver (double yield of silver and lead) and gold (relatively uncommon by comparison).  Yeah, I'm throwing these in the furnaces.

[2042] I set up two other info panels next to the Assembling machines with text cards, showing a total of 11 key recipes in the GregTech chain.  So nice to just look on a wall and see the options, rather than going in NEI and searching by name, and clicking to the right tab and all.  Crystallizer chest now has 30 silver, 30 gold.  2 more LESU blocks, 6 new UU (total of 60).  Crafting one more advanced solar panel on the ME network -- so many parts to have in stock for that.  I'd still almost rather have an old assembly line that I can stock at will than clicking and seeing what materials are missing after the fact.

-- break --

[2112] Just thought of something.  Make some grafters and check my trees.  Got 4 mundane larch, apple oak, 2 silver lime, silver birch, red spruce and bull pine.  Test them out at the MFR harvester.  It recognizes red spuce but not mundane larch, sort it out later.

[2214] Major overhaul of my rubber/plastic lab.  I used green wool for the floor, so I could identify and dig out the basement area.  Now the goods (rubber wood, IC2 rubber wood, rubber drop, resin) come down the pipes (other junk goes in topside chest), to this setup:
    - centrifuge with hopper: input: both kinds of rubber wood; outputs resin, methane cell, carbon cell, plantballs
    - centrifuge: input: resin; output: plantball, compressed plants, 14 rubber
    - extractor: input: carbon cells; output empty cells
    - furnace: input rubber drop, output rubber bar into next furnace, outputs plastic
    - all these products go along pipes to an overflow/other chest before the sorted goods hit a hopper over a router, which top-fills the barrels in the house up above
Done.  Only bottleneck is the first centrifuge.  That's a 250 second operation that needs empty cells.  I can probably run those back under the machine from the extractor, huh.  Free up a barrel upstairs.  Yup, that works, feed the centrifuge empty cells from below.  Now it will only lose one cell (methane cell) per cycle, all 4 carbon cells are being recycled.
Crystallizer: 44 silver, 52 lead.
[2243] Output so far: 34 compress plants, 64+55 plantballs, 20 methane cells, 10x64+53 rubber, 7x64+48 plastic.  I can turn off the harvester when I don't need it.  Added a Planter, plus powerlines, and pipes to feed it saplings.  At first it did nothing, forgot it had to be one level below the ground.
[2251] Bees: combs: 20 dripping, 73 honey, 20 ancient, 6 stringy.  Jungle bees: 55 silky.  Marsh bees: 49 wet, 37 mossy.  Snow bees: 78 icy.  Gong to need more centifuges: 2x64+24 wax, 3x64 honey drops, 46 honey dew, 17 propolis, 21 silky propolis.  Cleared.  Xy tanks: Seed oil 11b, honey 37b.
[2301] Carpenters: seed oil: making sturdy casings (8), water: basic circuit boards (6 RS + Sn, make 5), enhanced CB (6 RS + 3 bronze, make 4), refined CB (same but 3 iron, make 4), intricate CB (same but 3 gold, make 4).  Turn around and encode a plan for Genetic Machine (lapis, 6 Fe, apiarist machine and basic CB), make 2
[2301] Ran over and threw a lever on the rubber tree harvester, flipped it off.  Well, technically I need to let it harvest remaining trees but turn off the planter for now.  Check the production line.  Still 47 cells in the bottleneck centrifuge ... probably has to run for a few game hours to finish its queue: 115 rubber wood and 13 IC2 rubber wood in hopper.  17 rubber drops in top electric furnace, all the rest is keeping up fine.  Stockpile in barrels: 48 compress plants, 2x64+47 plantballs, 7 more CH4 cells, 13x64+57 rubber, 12x64+44 plastic.  I'd say that's a successful factory.  ;-)

Yikes, MFSU on roof down to 2.4 million, drop a line from the backup LESU power, though it only outpts 24 EU/tick.  Drop 16 Uranium dust in mass fab, run another batch of UU.

-- break for the night --


3/31/2017 FTB Ultimate play world

A few projects done: doubled the size of my bee lab, put an autocrafter out front where I can pull out new grafters as they break, added a gas turbine and generator under the rubber/plastic lab to help with some of the power drain.  Crystallizers done: 44+57 silver, 70+25 lead from an original 32 silver ore.  Run 64 gold in grinder.  Bee lab: added plan for Advanced Genetic Machine (made 2), then a plan for genepool (made 1), installed genepool with two hoppers over it and setup the xycraft tank outside and ran my first batch of redundant bees.  Cleared some walls that are now clearly on the interior of town ... so from the bee lab I can just walk past the xy tanks to the stoneworks.  Also had to clear out an iron chest for forestry saplings already.  Boy that's going to be a mess, since the arborist's chest hasn't been invented yet in this version of the mod.  I don't really expect to use 90% of the saplings, just like I won't be using 90% of the bees.  Genetic tinkering has to be done on a large scale, and most of the betweeners are just not viable.

-- break --

Factorization ... I now have 5x11, 5x3 and 5x4 gold in crystallizers.  Still 51 gravel in the mixers.  10 UU on power station roof, still 14 Uranium dust to go.  Power Station: proper floor (snow brick, marble brick, marble) and proper basement.

Well, my service tunnels are just a nonsensical rat's nest in places.  So, proper floors and basement in blutricity lab, former MV lab, ME Hub, former implosion lab -- my quick-design brain outline the floors in stone brick, and then fill in the middle with some recognizable pattern.  Boy it's easier to see where all the powerlines need to go when there are proper basements ... in some cases it would just be quick pops through the walls, rather than the current tunnel plan that follows the streets and has lines disappearing into sand and stone.  24 gold crystals ready, crystallizers full, but by the time I'm done with this big upgrade I will have made two full stacks of gold appear out of thin air.  Can't really complain.

-- after dinner out --

I created a new kind of production line for my town: a row of xy fabricators on top of dispensers.  The workflow is: put items in dispenser 1 to make item in fab 1, then items in dispenser 2 and fab 2 combine disp 2 + fab 1, then disp3 + fab 2 = fab 3, etc.

Just going to AFK for a while, working on stamps.
12) unweary* p + unweary/ind d + ind* d. run u* + i*.
Made 3 apiaries and 16 apiarist pipes.  Going to use one of the new plots of land for a 2nd tree breeding ground.  Want some low fertility bees that won't overflow their hives.

[2120] I laid down a batch pof 3 new hives surrounded by a random spread of trees.  AFK.
[2150] 11 UU matter, 12 U-dust left.  Roof MFSU down to almost 0, not sure what the huge power draw is.
[2230] (replaced some guitar strings) Watching the new trees to see if any of the leaves change is booooooring.  Might as well run around and do projects.  97 gold crystallized.  MFSU2 down to 640K but climbing, a quick run shows that yes, the centrifuges under the rubber/plastic lab have finally run their batches.  Total production over there: 64+38 compressed plants, 574 plantballs, 9 methane cells, 25x64+45 rubber, 18x64+8 plastic.  Set for a while!  Bring 5 stakcs of rubber and 2 stacks of plastic base to ME hub.  Grab 3x64+15 coal coke and send to generators.  352b of creosote in big tank.  Check the recycling center: GT stuff: machine parts, 4 adv circuit parts, 5 basic CB, 1 advanced CB, 1 elite CB, take em.  15 UU matter (take it), 11 U dust left, total UU in network: 85.  Back to new tree group [2245] and no sign of any mutated leaf blocks.

-- read some and go to bed --



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