20w14infinite: More Dimensions


I saw a video last night showing that the "7" dimension has massive end cities a few hundred blocks from spawn.  Darn, that dimension was so laggy, I can't stay there.

So I went back into PHP and setup an enchanting table among the endless bookshelves.  I did some more exploring and found some obsidian towers, an empty nether fortress, and a fun maze of mineshafts of purpur blocks and nether brick.  There were actually a few minecart chests, but they are few and far between.

"foxfire" = smooth stone & mycelium big islands over lava ocean, no mobs seen except bats

"firefox" = portal dropped onto the deck of an end ship; floating bits of lnad, iron blocks, illagers, hoglins, floating fossils, starter chests

"frell" - shroomlights & glass panes over netherrack; ocean of lava with lakes full of elder guardians, so expect the mining fatigue

"squirrel!" = dark lava terror world, skip!

"mmm, pancakes" = dark purple dirt sky islands, some stone & ores, chickens, meh

"heck" = gravel dirt off-color world with tons of vanilla mobs

"check, please" = jungle logs, tripwire hooks, dragons, nope!

"personal pizza" = diorite stairs, horn coral blocks, nether fort with regular mobs, white stained glass, lots of void to fall into

No good dimensions today ...

One issue with the "gallery" dimension is that the portal might connect to any random portal block, so I have flown through in creative and broke as many of those as I could.  As well as bucketing out the endless falling floods of water.



From a CaptainSparklez video:

"wat" = wacky mix of blocks, starter chests, phantoms, occasional shulkers.
village at -211 113 302. Vilage with cow problem at -256 76 372, -533 105 -224  = End City! , -283 70 -194 = End City

Well, that's a super fun world.  The village was swarming with cows, nitwits, baby villagers, even iron golems.  And with some shulkers hiding in buildings and between blocks, it almost felt like a trap.  I came back with a stack and a half of raw beef & leather, 16 shulker shells and 2 new shulker boxes.

"Portal"* is a well-known good dimension: endless abandoned mineshafts in terracotta layers, with occasional chest carts.  Portal at -172 33 -37. A++
Folder is dim-2131299502

"USSR"* - mnop6 showed a peaceful world with ancient debris and iron blocks as far as you can see, but I got attacked by 9 ravagers as soon as I stpped through, also magma cubes out there, so skip it

"POOP"* = empty world of end stone over layers of netherite blocks, A++

"5000"* = end stone and mountains of diamond blocks, huge sun & tiny moon whip by every 10 seconds.  No mobs seen.  A++

"din far"* does have mountains of emerald ore blocks, but above that is a layer of end stone bricks, the wood slabs ... which catch on fire from the lake of fire that fills the world.  I was able to block off the lava with cobblestone and mine half a stack before a wither appeared.  There was a nether fort not too far off.

* these were in a video by mnop6

"13" = flower forest, tinted green, dark, torches don't light much, dig a few blocks down for a world of spruce logs.  -564 33 -162 dark abandoned mine, looks weird with walls and floors of spruce logs, a few tracks, raided 3 chests.  But around the first lava pit, the entire core of the world started burning.


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