20w14infinite: Look Back Part 2
Cleaned up and built a proper wooden house for a base.
"slovak" = odd mix of blocks: terracotta, nylium, andesite stairs and end ships. The only mobs I see are magma cubes.
"pepsi" = portal came out right on the deck of an end ship. Landscape is terracotta, wool, carpets, fences. A few magma cubes seen, and one witch on a neighboring ship.
"dr pepper" - constant clicking sounds, black side shading, rainbow wool hills, slabs, chests, hard to move around; phantoms: pretty dull
"Dr. Pepper" = ridiculous amount of noise; endless terrain of planks, some snow peaks, nothing to see here
"joe bob joe henry bob, sir" - tiny platform over endless lava
"Escondido" = ice spikes biome then a sea of respawn anchors with ocean ruins on top.
-171 69 -41 = portal home
"Vista" = dropped me off on a Nether fortress with floating carpets all over. Insane amount of noise: oinking and slapping sounds.. Dud.
"Poway" = world of oak logs, snow spikes, end ships above, constant clicking sound = dud
"3" = world of floating diamond-shapes islands & end ships, wacky colors
"4" = end ships, wacky colors, withers - run!
"5" = wacky colors, tiny sun zooms by; starter chests but also endless abandoned mines with chest carts; watch out for holes down to void. Way up above 70y there are multiple ender dragons, you can hear them flapping sometimes, but we're way down on level 3 to 10y.
-164 5 -55 portal home
-97 8 -23 staging spot for rail carts
Keeps crashing, reuse the portal frame.
"tranquility" = dire lag, target blocks
"7" - safe; diorite, andesite slabs, lapis ore, fences, weeping vines, potted dandelions, mushroom stem blocks
"Dory" = massive bamboo jungle - swarming with mobs
"dory" = inside an end ship, deadly lag, quit
"annetrouble" = all wooden slabs & lava, whole world starts burning
"Anne" - dead coral blocks, yellow wool, bone blocks, is that diamond blocks way down there? normal mobs. Yes, layers of diamond blocks with chunks of dylight sensors & netherite blocks.
So I went back to base, made a smithing table then a full set of diamond gear, turned it into full netherite armor.
"array" - laggy, mossy cobble, dragon wings flapping, mining fatigue, leave
I used some of the known easter egg dimensions. In "isolation", the one house is at 0 64 0. "gallery" has one of every blocks in helix patterns.
"Pooh" = tiny platform over void, nearby sky islands swarming with mobs
"Styx" = sky islands of purpur bricks & sand, other odd islands, ghasts far below
"MTV" = terracotta pillars over lava sea, laggy, crashed
"peachy" = pillars of crimson stems & hyphae, floating glassy mountains, phantoms, meh
"peace" - dark, piles of stairs & junk, sounds like popcorn constantly popping
"C++" = platform above void, sky islands pretty far off, endless fat white particles, phantoms
"PHP" = bookshelves, trapdoors, purpur bricks, pillagers, abandoned mineshafts but no chests, not too bad
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