VeeTech 1.5.2: infernal skeleton scare


I only had about an hour at Anne's place before bed.  I added a third orchard setup at Ferrovia and expanded the fences again and cleared more land.  Then I remembered that the big tower in the massive crater was not far north of here.  I found a spot on the snowy road to Hillfall and made a tunnel through the mountain and slabs across the snow to get to the tower.  I went to explore some of the ruins nearby and was almost killed by an 8x infernal skeleton which luckily teleported away ... or somewhere inside the tower.  So I odn't think I'll be going back in there any time soon.

I added a few ramps down from the top floor to the rim of the crater for future exploration.



Tonight I started in Yakutsk, checking on what was where, then ran across the swamp to Merkur, adding a few things to my resource index.  At the end of the road was a shack over a mine, and right across the pond was a ruined house.  I fixed up the house, called it Merkur Coast House, and looked for resources in the area.  It is surrounded by rubber trees, and has a mine.  From there, I made my way across the land.  I cleaned up the snowy town of Kelvin a bit, then saw a waypoint on a small island off the coast (not far from my main Chinese ship base) called Nutmeg Isle.  I went over there, fixed upt the small house, spawned off 4 more nutmeg trees, and started turning the two caves into proper mines.

After that, I cleared a few floors of the 3 different battle towers looming over the sea.

A good night of just exploring and adding little places to visit on future trips.

A new village I tamed at the edge of a cliff in a far-off mesa biome


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