VeeTech 1.5.2: Svendborg & Wil's Wheaten Isle
I spent some time on friday night exploring a big village called Sequoia. Tonight I went back to complete some projects that were playing in my head. First, I tp'd to Cathedral base and made a rift signature. Went into the village hub pocket dimension and added a new door frame and r-clicked the ground with the rift signature ... tp'd back to Sequoia, made another door frame, r-clicked again and placed the dimensional door. Now Sequoia is connected to the villages hub, so it's "in the network".
I took about an hour to clean up the town and planting some fruit trees. Sequoia was the town with the huge overhang. What happaned is that two farm plots spawned over a big drop and got pillars of dirt to hold them up. I managed to make safe paths down using stairs and ladders, and started hollowing out internal floors inside those dirt pillars, so in the end they will be 3-story high rises full of the town's industry, whatever that turns out to be.
I started by hopping between villages using dimensional doors and added a few bits to my resource directory. Just over the hill from Hillfall, I saw a big conquered fortress with drawbridge. I went in and lit up some dark corners and briefly explored the crazy cave-laced ruin-filled mess of plains around it. Then I tp'd to Jermoe and went down to Field of Ruins (which was apparently once called Ferrovia according to the forgotten sign over city hall). From there I caught a glimpse of the slime island and remembered the project in my head where I took the book up there and setup some tinkers tables to make slime parts. I got most of that setup, along with a worktable to make slimy dirt and a furnace to smelt it to get slime crystals, since those are the materials actually used for slime tool parts, not the slimeballs directly. I made about 13 different slime parts. More to come later. I dove off the island into a pool of water and saw there was a big clump of Harvestcraft trees around that pond, so I walled those off and built a little road over to the main town. So now there's a reasonabley safe Ferrovia Orchard to visit to collect fruits. There were various pits and caves in the area, so I followed one down. Forgot that I placed some spawners there from the days when all mob spawning was broken. So there's a blaze spawner a few others, but I saw some planks way down one cave and sure enough, there was an abandoned mine. So I found the hallway closest to the town and dug stairs halfway up (discovering fresh caves that have never been lit before) and then did stairs and ladders that came out right next to the sheep pen. So now there's quick access back down to that adventure area as well.
There is never a lack of things to do and explore.
I spent some time upgrading things in Ferrovia. I headed to the little bridge across the river and saw there was just enough space for one of the 2x3 orchards I had in my head last night. So I added an orchard of 6 lemon trees and 6 peach trees with a chest in each section.
From there, the little bridge goes across to ... a little isle covered in wheat. When I need a name, a name always just pops into my head. This is heareby known as ... Wil's Wheaten Island.
I fixed that up a bit and expanded the farmland, then upgraded the next bridge and ran through the snowy woods to the village called Redwood Village, and renamed it at the town well to Svendborg. Then I Saw it was already named Sophos for some reason. No idea. Crummy name. Now this snowy area is Svendborg.
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