VeeTech 1.5.2: Twice Forgotten Village


On Wednesday, Friday, Saturday nights, I'm usually at Anne's and only have my laptop, so this is the world I play.  I'm tempted to visit my old CrazyCraft world or others, but VeeTech is my biggest world, with the most places to visit, and it has a great balance of mods and loads quickly.  I visited Oulu and added a few of the odd resources to my new directory, then walked over to the Blue Monastery (I forgot there were some machines near the mine entry in the bottom basement level) and ended up in Jerome.  Then I checked the map and saw a village half buried in trees.

I tp'd over there and saw no village name at the well, so I named it, and today I can't remember what it was.  Sigh.  It has some crazy worldgen where chunks of the village generated on a huge outcrop, so that one farm plot was floating about 10 blocks over a dark void.  Only the yellow and red Xs from the F7 cheat mode suggested there was solid ground down there.  I put some safety measures around the big drops, but will have to revisit it, since I think there are more building either way up above or down below the main area.

Not far west from there was another town in the woods, this one named Sequoia, obviously due to the huge redwoods all around.

Aside from changing the building blocks around, there's not much that can be done to make every settlement have a unique feel.  But at least with the more uncommon resources and trades in a big text file, I will be able to do searches.  Which towns have a smeltery?  Does any location have baobab wood?

I also ran a road north through the hill from the hidden valley building east of Cayuga Lake, then down across the snowy plains to link up with the road from the Cathedral (S) to Propolis City (N).  That was a fun bit of engineering that came out exactly where I wanted it.  I should go back and add some more direction signs to show what goes where ...

A full set of sandstone scribbles...


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