VeeTech 1.5.2: Propolis City to Baltica
I spent some time in the little spwaner/grinder tower right outside the Cathedral, sorting out which mobs in safari nets will work and which don't. Also, I brought over one of each regular spawner to see if I can just leave them in there and let them passively generate essence. I think the spawner will always spawn the mobs, but sometimes they aren't recognized by the grinder: Project Zulu mobs, walkers and such. Others, like wisps, will spawn outside the box. I have a few things in safari nets that are just too dangerous to spawn near my base, like the battletower golem, and I have a gravestone right there saying I was once killed by a walker king, so I don't think I will use that safari net any time soon.
Then I ran out to Redwood Village, which I guess I renamed to Propolis City years ago, for a project or two. I expended some walls, cleaned up some grass and got to work.
I jotted down some notes at work, and one of them was to make a little workspace and museum for the Tinkers Construct chisel blocks. There are only a few of them: iron, gold, diamond, lapis, ble slime, green slime, obsidian, redstone, sandstone, endstone, bone & stone brick. You chisel a base block or item once then chisel it again for a fancy brick version. My chest of these wasn't where I remembered leaving it. It turns out I made a tiny little workshop for it, squeezed in between two of the buildings, barely 3x4 on the inside. Anyway, it's there for now.
From the tiny mine shack next door, I found my way down to an abandoned mine and picked away for a while, and lit up some new hallways while I was down there. Then I remembered that I had an attempted settlement inside an abandoned mine over by Jasper Fields. I tp'd over there, and saw it was just as confusing as ever. I need to stop trying to follow the existing shafts and just dig out a set of 4x6 abodes. I headed up to the surface and spent the last half hour connecting the two entrances across the snow plains to the safehouse between Baltica and Oulu. I connected a few other ruins while I was in the area.
I left off at the main mine at Baltica, which was much more advanced than I remembered. It had drop chests on several levels and pipes pushing the goods up to the work area up top, which sorted the ores and sent them to a hopper over a pulverizer/furnace combo. Nicely done, but always a little more cramped than I would like. It gets the job done, though.
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