VeeTech 1.5.2: Indexes, machines, distractions


That's Cairo in the distance with the big pyramid and dungeon at left

I was going log in briefly and make an index of where all the unusual blocks & resources are.  I was stuck on the I-15 waiting for an accident to clear, and thought it would be a fun thing to work on.  Maybe one section for where the different Thermal Expansion machines are, where the Harvestcraft trees are (within reason), which Forestry planks can be bought where, where the apiaries and machines are, where the few MFR machines are.

But of course, once I got into the game I just get distracted.  I tried an organized approach, going to my villages hub and looking for some doors I had not visited in a while.  I hopped out to Cairo to look for any noteworthy things.  Only thing I found were those rhinos.  But then I got into the big pyramid and cleared out the top 3 floors, then cleared most of the inner walls and decorated the very top floor a bit.

And now it's midnight.  Will try some more tomorrow.

I can list most of the machines in my head, since this was never meant to be a high-tech pack.  And some of the resources.  The only place I know that makes MFR whitestone & blackstone is in Propolis City.  I only have quarried stone mines in Baltica, Yakutsk (almost mined out), and outside Hillfall.  Etc.


VeeTech 1.5.2

I started the general survey of odd items and machines.  And I might as well update my town gazeteers while I'm visiting each town.  In Baltica, I added a few recipes as I went along.  I realized that one thing I never did in this world was put maps on the wall.  To my surprise, when I made a map of Baltica and put it in an item frame, it sat IN the item frame and did not fill the space like it was supposed to.  It looks like the full block view was added in 1.7.2 -

So maps are useless in this version.

Back at the Cathedral base with 6 chests of junk brought back from those villages, I added two new double chests under the Tinkers section next to the smeltery: one for overflow of patterns, and one for overflow of parts.  Upstairs, I repaired my gear at the enchanting table, and of course my legia bow (Power V, Unbreaking III, Infinity) had a crazy repair value: 307 levels.  So I wondered what it would cost to just make another one.  I have a chest of xp berries, books and parts right there, and there was a legia bow in the weapons sort chest upstairs.  So, it was 6 levels to add Infinity.  Then the enchanting table wanted more than 10 for each of the other enchants.  I took the dim-door over to the tower of magic -- my vast library of enchanted books (and a disenchanter) -- and came back with two Unbreaking II books.  I merged those on an anvil for 3 levels, added it to the bow on the anvil for 6 more, and then I could crank up the Power V on the enchanting table for 16.

While I was near the smeltery, I made a batch of alumite ... except that the funky clock I made started pulling out aluminum blocks before I could finish adding the other ingredients.  So I broke that, got 4 blocks of alumite and had some molten obsidian left over.  Might as well make as many obsidian parts as I can.

My first Steve's Carts farm out at Jasper Fields

An odd automation, making logs into pulp then paper, at Baltica.


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