Veetech world - raid the keeps

9/18/2016 Veetech world

Girlfriend is sick, had to take Sammy the cat to the vet - he was all itchy and licking himself raw.  $400 later, I really need to go beat on some imaginary creatures.

Raided that second battle pit, dynamiting the spawners on floors below.  No golem again.  A bag full of fairly generic goods, but the spoils bag (2 thaumium, 6 knowledge fragments, 8 force gems, work cart, 16 wooden ties, iron) was nice.  Made two iron bows, turned them into a legia bow, repaired my old legia bow (Power IV, Unbreaking II) on anvil for 19 levels, added Infinity I for 14 levels.  I am ready for some serious butt-kicking.

I tpd to the desert for some cactus, wanted to play with the poison dart gun (Balkon's weapons mod).  WHile I was there I figured I should clear out the big pyramid there.  While I ran into about 5 mummies in the mix, I also passed about 8 limited mob spawners which did not spawn anything when I got close to them.  That was odd.  They were probably supposed to be mummies, but maybe some creature's ID got wacky.  Anyway, I thought about turning this pyramid into a sand, sandstone and glassworks.  Mining out those 5 levels of interior walls makes it an unparalleled source of sandstone varieties, including a "faded sandstone" I had never heard of before.  I came home with at least 8 stacks of different sandstones.  Once the interior is opened up, yes, it could be a good glass factory location.

-- after dinner --

Raided the mountain keep.  Cleared out the lower levels and the village inside the walls.  Came home with a half stack of essences, crystal bow, anvil, 8 pieces of armor.  Found the poison dart gun pretty much useless, seems to have very limited range.  The BetterDungeons poison staff is much better -- no ammo needed and range is easily 20-30 blocks.  Magic essence + stick + diamond = generic staff, plus poison essence = poison staff.  One of my favorite weapons for softening up foes from a distance.  They usually only have 1-2 hp left when they finally reach me.

I extended a road out to those two battle pits.  Walled off the area, dubbed it "Two Pits", and used the top to floors of one pit to show the 15 ChiselMod variations of cobblestone and stone brick; I made a vertical strip of 4 of each type.  Interesting selection.  No variations for plain stone though.

Looting the upper mountain keep.  I fought off about 20 guards in a narrow tunnel of mine, pinched off by blocks; antagonized the walker king from a distance and when he teleported over to kick my ass, I put him in a safari net so I bring him home for a future tickle fight.  Quite a fun system ... in each room, chop everything, put it into a chest, then use the force wrench to stick the whole chest in my pocket.  Goods, chest by chest:
- golden feather, 9 chiseled quartz, 33 quartz blocks, 3 dragon eggs (always keep a piston and a lever in my backpack for these), 2 glowstone, 26 books.
- diamond scale helmet (fir pro III, proj pro I), chain leggings (pro IV, blast pro II), iron bow, iron leggings, 5 Cu, 24 coal, 5Al, 64 books, 2 gold blocks, cloud boots, hookshoot, revolver, iron bigsword (Smite I), golden sword.
- iron helmet (resp II), chain chestplate (fire pro IV, proj pro III), chain boots (pro II, blast pro I, feather I), chain boots, iron boots (blast pro II), iron boots (pro III), iron boots, 24 coal, 20 Fe, 5 Sn, 8 redstone, 12 flint, 5 chests, 5 bed, fur cloth boots, fur cloth leggings (Thorns I), diamond shield, iron shield, crystal bow, 5 life grenade, 5 ice grenade, iron spear, iron bigsword.
- diamond sword, golden sword, iron helmet (Resp I), golden helmet (50%), chain chestplate (pro IV), chain chestplate, chain leggings (Thorns III), 2 gold blocks, 16 coal, gold, 5 iron, 12 diamonds, 8 emeralds, 12 flint, 4 chests, 10 eyes of ender, music disc, emperor's chalice, water staff, cloud boots, 3 hexical essence, safari net with Walker King.
- chain chestplate (proj pro IV), gold chestplate, chain leggings (blast pro II), iron leggings, 6 diamonds, 27 books, 2 chests, bed, disc, fur cloth helmet, iron scale leggings (blast pro II), healing staff, iron dagger (fire I, smite IV, knockback I), diamond dagger (fire I knockback I).
- 2 chain chestplates, 5 iron, 10 tin, diamond, 10 leather, clock, 7 beds, iron scale helmet (blast pro II, proj pro III), cyan backpack, big yellow backpack, glowing bread
- stone sword, iron leggings (pro II). 8 coal, 5 gold, 10 iron, 5 tin, 3 emeralds, 6 gunpowder, 27 books, 4 chests, jukebox, 6 beds, disc, 25 apples, 32 beef, 5 tin, few other

Final sack of the mountain keep, 6 more force-wrenched chests of loot:
- 108 coal, 9 gold, 8 furnaces, golden carrot, 32 beef, essences, food
- chain helmet (fire pro I, pro I), iron helmet, 16 coal, 5 tin, 5 aluminum, 5 chests, 6 beds, diamond bigsword
- iron sword (sharp II, bane IV), iron leggings, 39 coal, 5 gold, 10 iron, 5 tin, 5 copper, 2 furnaces, 2 beds, some food, iron bow
- 16 coal, 15 iron, 5 tin, 5 copper, 3 emerald, 12 flint, 4 chests, 2 beds, food, 5 manyullyn, revolver, diamond dagger (smite V)
- gold helmet, chain chest, iron leggings (pro II), gold leggings, chain boots (fir pro I, feather IV), 24 coal, 5 gold, 5 iron, 10 tin, 3 emerald, 5 leather, gold bow, 5 cobalt, 5 Al, 5 poison essence, iron spear (Smite V).
- 27 arrows, 5 iron, 3 diamonds, 5 leather, 9 gunpowder, 18 books, furnace, 2 cauldrons, some little stuff'

My MagicalCrops haervest chest: essences (21 explosive, 26 obsidian, 13 ender, 16 nature, 29 coal, 24 glowstone, 6 hostile, 7 dye, 19 weak magic), seeds (42 obsidian, 21 coal, 11 glowstone).  Take essences down to lab.  Make 24 obsidian, 36 coal, 36 glowstone, 18 gunpowder, 6 ender pearls.

Okay, clearly there are too many items in this modpack.  Grin.  Just kidding.  But you can certainly get all you need just by pillaging.  I have enough armor and weapons for a small army.  I will see about disenchanting and melting down most of those tools and armor, maybe setting up a new sorting system to sort all those types of plunder by type (helmets, swords) or by materials (still too many to sort in a single row of a diamond pipe).  Still, one pipe sort might be to pick out 9 kinds of helmet, 9 kinds of chestplate, 9 kinds of swords, 9 kinds of bows, 9 other kinds of bows, guns and ammo, etc and let the really uncommon stuff collect in a chest of odds and ends.

Last bit of the night, tp to village 2 and let the crops ripen as I ponder the harvestcraft heap.  Some possible village shops would be:
- breads: vanilla, pumpkin, cornbread, ginger, garlic, zucchini, walnut raisin, banana nut
- cakes: cake, gysahl, carrot, cheesecake, cherry cheesecake, pineapplue upsidedown, chocolate, red velvet
- dairy:
    milk + bowl = heavy cream
    heavy cream, saucepan, salt = butter
    pot, milk, salt = cheese
- fruit juices (just fruit + bottle)
    - apple, melon, carrot, strawberry, grape, blueberry, cherry, papaya, starfruit, orange, peach, lime, mango,
    pomegranate, blackberry, raspberry, kiwi, cranberry, cactus fruit
- pies: pumpkin, apple, strawberry, blueberry, cherry, keylime, sweet potato, raspberry
- salads: potato, egg, fruit, spring, strawberry, grape, cucumber, beet, summer radish, sunflower broccoli
- smoothies (fruit + snowball + bottle)
    - melon, strawberry, lemon, blueberry, cherry, papaya, starfruit, banana, orange,
    peach, lime, mango, pomegranate, blackberry, raspberry, kiwi
- soups: stock, pumpkin, carrot, potato, chicken noodle, spider eye, vegetable, tomato, onion, cucmber,
    rice, beet, creamed broccoli, split pea, turnip, celery, asparagus, cream of avocado, cactus, seed
- yogurt (milk + leather = 4 plain yogurt; add fruit for flavors)
    - pineapple, papaya, starfruit, pear, plum, banana, coconut, orange, peach, lime, mango, pomegranate, vanilla,
    blueberry, strawberry, lemon, cherry, grape, chocolate, blackberry, pumpkin, raspberry, melon, kiwi, apple
- candies
- donuts
- breakfasts
- lunches
- dinners
- italian food
- chinese food
- mexican food

- or, of course, the places that grow peaches should offer ALL peach products, duh.  Much less moving goods around.

Certainly a colorful world!  I just wish we had mouths to feed, since I always end up with thousands of meals uneaten.


9/19/2016 hextech world

I ended the night in village2, which I will now officially call Baltica.  I expanded the fences to include two coconut trees and an avocado tree, and my sunflowers seem to give 3 seeds each time so I managed to get a full plot of 14 crops going.  There was a lightning storm, and a bolt struck nearby.  I went to see if there was any fire, and I saw some mystic shrubs had turned pink.  Energized!  I actually never saw that happen before.  They dropped 6 bombs, a gold nugget and an emerald piece.

Hanging around the town for a bit, I got 9 pomegranates, 4 pears, 4 avocados, 7 vanilla, 8 coconuts, 11 peaches.  Let's see, pomegranate has juice, smoothie, yogurt.  Vanilla when smelted gives "Unnamed 15973" which is used in some recipes.  Pears have poached pear and yogurt.  Avocados have guacamole, cream soup, avocado burrito.  Coconuts have milk, chicken curry, coconut shrimp, yogurt, smelt into toasted coconut.  Peaches have juice, cobbler, smoothie, yogurt.  Enough products overall for a cottage industry.

Sunflower seeds have salted, spring salad, sunflower wheat rolls, sunflower broccoli salad.  I found a spice leaf growing wild in town, so I added it to a new plot of crops.  Since this is the first place where I will be doing any Harvestcraft cooking, I will set up a little worktable with recipes for all the cookware.  I put a chest in the library house for the actual food.

Hmm.  A few Harvestcraft items I did not know about: hay bale (9 wheat), reed bundle (9 reed), water barrel, stone sink, clau jug, brick well, cloth slabs and stairs (made of wool, which can come from HC cotton).  The seed packets and seed boxes are a good way to reduce clutter.

I ran from the village back to my road at the mountain keep, not that far away.  I saw that I did not clear out the guardhouses on either side of that bridge in the middle.  Force wrenched 4 more chests full of goods.
- golden sword, 16 arrows, golden pants (20%), piston, 4 gold, 11 iron, 5 tin, 10 copper, 6 flint, 5 leather, clock, 5 Al, 16 essences.
- 12x64+26 arrows (the arrow trap in that little treasure room with the 3 chests), 52 fire charge, 3 dispensers, 10 copper
- 2 rs torches, 3 rs repeaters, 5 iron, 5 tin, 5 copper, 6 diamonds, 22 rs, 6 flint, 5 leather, 6 gunpowder, 36 books, book (Secrets! by ArrgChocolate), disc, 5 cobalt, golden feather, magic boomerang, 2 green wool, trapped chest
- diamond sword (Sharp I), chain chestplate (prot IIIm blast prot II), golden chestplate (blast prot III, proj prot IV), 10 gold, 5 iron, 15 tin, 5 copper, 8 rs, 6 flint, 6 gunpowder, 9 chests, clock, fur cloth helmet, iron scale leggings, 10 Al

-- break --

I went back to Cayuga Lake and force wrenched the chests full of armor and weapons, took them all over to the large ground-floor workspace in the mountain keep.  I made a fun pipe sorting system to pull out helmets, chestplates, leggings, boots, swords, bows, arrows, etc etc.  Again, all I have to do is drop a chest on top of the hopper.  And anything it can't match ends up in a chest at the end of the line.

Then I finished the road out to the village of Baltica and moved the food recipes to one of the big houses.  Made a few smoothies and juices for fun.  Along the side of that road there is a cherry tree, and walnut tree and a nutmeg tree.  I love those big castles but they always seem to be in dreary crappy frozen wastelands.

-- break --

On the run home, I spotted a papaya tree and a candleberry tree (though there's also a small candleberry crop in the same mod), and some plums.  There is a grassy plain with two small ruins and a cluster of these useful trees, may wall it off and make it another little settlement.

I took out all the aloe and tumbleweeds, will move those to the desert pyramid base when I get that set up.  Energy cell at 498kMJ.  Really haven't used the technology I added to the mod as much as I thought I would.  I have such a stash of ingots from pillaging, it's nuts.  Still, I will need energy for future spawner/grinder experiments, and I'm still curious is the MFR harvester can grab my MagicalCrops for me.  Make 2 harvesters, 12 hardened glass, 20 electrum, one new energy cell frame, filled it, new energy cell.  Need better engines, ultimately, the MFR biofuel and the Biogas engine with liquid force and milk are the best powerhouses in this modpack.

Tested: the MFR harvester DOES work with Harvestcraft breakable crops, does NOT work with MagicalCrops.

I raided the redstone castle right next to my conquered mountain keep.  Pretty quick 45-minute raid with the poison staff to weaken them, blocking off all those passages where they sneak up behind me, and grabbing the walker king in a safari net.  Yeah yeah that's a big cheat, and I already have a walker king in my collection, but I will get to them later.  I got 5 chests of loot.  Tpd to my weapon lab, tossed all the armor and weapons into the sorting system, them force wrenched them again, tpd back to base and put the chests on the hopper to start the big sort.  A good 90% of them ended up in one of my chests.  I think I have 2 rows of 6x3 double chests.  I expanded the land behind it a bit so I can add one more row of chests for the increasingly rare stuff when I get a chance.  Some things, like music discs and chisel mod blocks will just be the leftover unsortables.

Done for the night.


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