6/3 to 6/4: B-Team with dino problems
Popped back out to desert tiny base, ran across wetlands, picked up another luggage full of plants & seeds. Then found a pretty Canyon biome with hardened dirt and red rock. Took over a little cave there, dubbed it Canyon Base, setup a waypoint, dug down, explored, found 3 diamonds, made new diamond pick.
Midnight run: fossils: 4 relics (18 gravel, broken ancient sword), 6 biofossils (6 fern seeds, 12 bonemeal), 1 frozen meat (mammoth DNA).
Thermal Expansion now has 3 tiers of power conduits:
leadstone (3 RS / Pb Glass Pb / 3 RS = 6) (80 RF/t)
hardened (leadstone + RS + 3 invar nuggets = 1) (3 leadstone + 3 RS + invar ingot = 3) (400 RF/t)
redstone = old recipe, fill with molten redstone etc (1000 RF/t)
Okay, made 60 leadstone conduits.
Time for some generators:
- RTC - / CuGear Cu CuGear / Cu RS Cu = steam dynamo (solid fuel & coolant)
- RTC - / InvGear Inv InvGear / Inv RS Inv = magmatic dynamo (lava)
- RTC - / SnGear Sn SnGear / Sn RS Sn = compression dynamo (fluid fuel & coolant)
(TA = Tinker's Alloy: 3 Cu: + Sn: and smelt)
- RTC - / TAGear TA TAGear / TA RS TA = reactant dynamo (fluid fuel & solid reactant) (can use Bz for TA)
Oh wow, old gear recipes don't work, no Buildcraft, let's see ...
4 Cu around Fe = CuGear
4 El around Fe = ElGear
4 Inv around Fe = InvGear
4 Sn around Fe = SnGear
4 TA|Bz around Fe = TAGear
Refresh my memory: 2 Fe: + Fer: = 3 Inv:
Clearly I have to make steam dynamo first, since I can't make invar or power other machines to fill fluid fuel interior tanks.
Okay, steam dynamo was easy to make, aquepus accumulator feeds water through fluiducts, add coal. Only generates power if steam is above 1000mB. Laid out a line of leadstone conduits. Made first pulverizer. All hooks together as expected. Yay. Expanded my tiny building a little, added a sawmill, off we go. Milled 32 rubber wood, got bonus 12 glue balls. Odd new bit: glue ball + sawdust + slag = empty florb (holds one bucket of fluid, can be thrown), good use for the waste products of those 3 machines.
Quick run for less common ores. Pulverize. Fossils: 3 relics, 4 biofossils, broken ancient helmet = 6 flint, 6 bonemeal, stone tablet. Dug tunnel across my snowy isle, hit a few caves, found 26 diamonds. Already have too much of some items ...
Found a nice biome to the north: cherry grove. Biomes O'Plenty does have a good variety, though my world has so many snow and ice biomes it's getting dreary. I created a Machinist's Workbench and Cyclic Assembler for autocrafting, bit of a pain compared to the old autocrafters, but okay. Melded my two little buildings together, now it's starting to look like a lab. Broke my peridot sword on that run, and my iron axe. Made new ones. Diamond pick getting low, I have about 120 diamonds, so I made another. Need to start enchanting soon, which will mean lots of leather for lots of books.
Made a (Fossil mod) Cultivator, put the Stegosaurus DNA in there with 12 raw beef. It's thinking about making an egg now. Whoa, crazy stuff! I heard a breaking glass sound, got a message saying "Cultivate operation failure", went back down the ladder to find my Culativator had melted into a water source block. Some weird goraning sound ... encountered a slug-like "Failuresaurus" but got my DNA and some of my meat back. Okay, that's a screwy process! Guess I got my bucket and iron back, just add cactus green & 4 glass & try again. Also building a feeder, in case I get a viable egg ... done. Egg is ready! Took about 6 minutes. Will put some Mammoth DNA in there as I head outside to make an enclosure for my new little guy.
Darn dino teleports wherever I go. After reading a bit, turns out it can be trained by holding a stick and rclicking on him: options are Stay, FreeMove and Follow. I gave him a feeder with some food and got out of the little enclosure. My mammoth cultivation also failed, but I logged out and came back and my drops (if any) were gone. Built an archaeology workbench, just a regular crafting table plus paper. Repair ancient broken sword by putting it in top left slot, put 10 relics in bottom slot. Takes a while. Ancient sword is +8 attack damage.
Holy crap. Ancient sword calls down a lightning strike. And the first mob I encountered was a creeper, so ... it charged up the creeper which then blew the out a big chunk of my wall. Luckily it was away from the house and the blast missed the dino pen. Kinda funny, but nearly had a heart attack.
Popped back out to desert tiny base, ran across wetlands, picked up another luggage full of plants & seeds. Then found a pretty Canyon biome with hardened dirt and red rock. Took over a little cave there, dubbed it Canyon Base, setup a waypoint, dug down, explored, found 3 diamonds, made new diamond pick.
Midnight run: fossils: 4 relics (18 gravel, broken ancient sword), 6 biofossils (6 fern seeds, 12 bonemeal), 1 frozen meat (mammoth DNA).
Thermal Expansion now has 3 tiers of power conduits:
leadstone (3 RS / Pb Glass Pb / 3 RS = 6) (80 RF/t)
hardened (leadstone + RS + 3 invar nuggets = 1) (3 leadstone + 3 RS + invar ingot = 3) (400 RF/t)
redstone = old recipe, fill with molten redstone etc (1000 RF/t)
Okay, made 60 leadstone conduits.
Time for some generators:
- RTC - / CuGear Cu CuGear / Cu RS Cu = steam dynamo (solid fuel & coolant)
- RTC - / InvGear Inv InvGear / Inv RS Inv = magmatic dynamo (lava)
- RTC - / SnGear Sn SnGear / Sn RS Sn = compression dynamo (fluid fuel & coolant)
(TA = Tinker's Alloy: 3 Cu: + Sn: and smelt)
- RTC - / TAGear TA TAGear / TA RS TA = reactant dynamo (fluid fuel & solid reactant) (can use Bz for TA)
Oh wow, old gear recipes don't work, no Buildcraft, let's see ...
4 Cu around Fe = CuGear
4 El around Fe = ElGear
4 Inv around Fe = InvGear
4 Sn around Fe = SnGear
4 TA|Bz around Fe = TAGear
Refresh my memory: 2 Fe: + Fer: = 3 Inv:
Clearly I have to make steam dynamo first, since I can't make invar or power other machines to fill fluid fuel interior tanks.
Okay, steam dynamo was easy to make, aquepus accumulator feeds water through fluiducts, add coal. Only generates power if steam is above 1000mB. Laid out a line of leadstone conduits. Made first pulverizer. All hooks together as expected. Yay. Expanded my tiny building a little, added a sawmill, off we go. Milled 32 rubber wood, got bonus 12 glue balls. Odd new bit: glue ball + sawdust + slag = empty florb (holds one bucket of fluid, can be thrown), good use for the waste products of those 3 machines.
Quick run for less common ores. Pulverize. Fossils: 3 relics, 4 biofossils, broken ancient helmet = 6 flint, 6 bonemeal, stone tablet. Dug tunnel across my snowy isle, hit a few caves, found 26 diamonds. Already have too much of some items ...
Found a nice biome to the north: cherry grove. Biomes O'Plenty does have a good variety, though my world has so many snow and ice biomes it's getting dreary. I created a Machinist's Workbench and Cyclic Assembler for autocrafting, bit of a pain compared to the old autocrafters, but okay. Melded my two little buildings together, now it's starting to look like a lab. Broke my peridot sword on that run, and my iron axe. Made new ones. Diamond pick getting low, I have about 120 diamonds, so I made another. Need to start enchanting soon, which will mean lots of leather for lots of books.
Made a (Fossil mod) Cultivator, put the Stegosaurus DNA in there with 12 raw beef. It's thinking about making an egg now. Whoa, crazy stuff! I heard a breaking glass sound, got a message saying "Cultivate operation failure", went back down the ladder to find my Culativator had melted into a water source block. Some weird goraning sound ... encountered a slug-like "Failuresaurus" but got my DNA and some of my meat back. Okay, that's a screwy process! Guess I got my bucket and iron back, just add cactus green & 4 glass & try again. Also building a feeder, in case I get a viable egg ... done. Egg is ready! Took about 6 minutes. Will put some Mammoth DNA in there as I head outside to make an enclosure for my new little guy.
Darn dino teleports wherever I go. After reading a bit, turns out it can be trained by holding a stick and rclicking on him: options are Stay, FreeMove and Follow. I gave him a feeder with some food and got out of the little enclosure. My mammoth cultivation also failed, but I logged out and came back and my drops (if any) were gone. Built an archaeology workbench, just a regular crafting table plus paper. Repair ancient broken sword by putting it in top left slot, put 10 relics in bottom slot. Takes a while. Ancient sword is +8 attack damage.
Holy crap. Ancient sword calls down a lightning strike. And the first mob I encountered was a creeper, so ... it charged up the creeper which then blew the out a big chunk of my wall. Luckily it was away from the house and the blast missed the dino pen. Kinda funny, but nearly had a heart attack.
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