Santa Fe world logs 2/10 to 2/14
Continuing onwards. This week I dismantled the factorization lab. It caused lots of red errors on console (the silver mirrors were acting up) and lots of lag. So it went into a chest for storage. No big loss, too time consuming.
23:50 Factor lab: 13 cryst tin done, just one batch of 5 left to run; run a batch of 57 sludge -> clay, heck run a few, skip the rest (recycle it). That 60 tin or (2/7 00:01) made 18 + 30 + 16 + 26 + 16 + 13 + 13 + = 132 (probably forgot to log a bunch of them).
00:07 Disassemble the factor lab. Maybe move it out to the desert someday. Now getting 8-10 fps in former factor lab area. 88 silver ore direct into slag furnace -> 101 lead and 78 silver
00:16 Forestry lab, drop 44 pumpkin seeds in squeezer, take out 4 seed oil cells -- put in cacti harvester, run for a while. 3x64+17 cacti in there, take 17 -> pipe waterproof. Lab2 - run 16 empty calls + 4 tin cans in Liquid Transposer to empty it of lava.
00:26 Take apart Magma crucibles and Liquid Transposers + electric engines from lab2, rebuild in old factor lab (rename it to the crucible lab). Make igneous extruder.
00:49 Run gold wire from lab2 roof to roof of new crucible lab; LV transformer, move pump to old water pool, setup new crucibles & extruder over there. Put 64 netherrack in (lava) crucible. Woo hoo, extruder spitting out stone (2mb lava, 1b water each but needs at least 1b of each to run), can do obsidian (1b lava + 1b water each). Put 48 redstone in (redstone) crucible, start making molten redstone (550mb) again; needs 1000 MJ in storage to begin melting anything. 00:58, 20 stone, 4 obsidian done. MFSU2 stays at 10 million, even at night.
01:00 Forestry lab, shut off engine, grab 4 more seed oil cans. Check cacti harvest: 3x64+51 cacti in chest. Engine off.
01:03 Crucible lab: 54 stone, 6 obsidian made. Run cobble while water/lava refills. 60 seconds = 30 cobble. 01:07 - 72 stone, 54 cobble, 9 obsidian made, still 51 netherrack left in crucible. Now that RS crucible is charged, drop 63 redstone in there ... 60 seconds, 46 rs left, 6700 MJ left, 1600 mb of molten redstone. Tests okay, shut down for now. MFSU2 still at 10 million.
01:12 Interesting, those "channel null" errors happen every time an item is recycled!! Anyway (lab2) I recycled all that sludge, about 5 stacks + 42 dirt, got 59+ scrap. Make 28 mixed metal ingots in rolling machine while waiting.
01:20 Wiz tower lab, 65 scrap in mass fab at 32%, MFSU2 at 10 million, go: 1 UU at 44 sec (42 scrap left), 2nd UU at 100 sec (7 scrap left), MFSUs at 10 million. Now run with last 7 scrap, gets to 28% then is gone ... after one more minute it's only at 44%, MFSU is keeping pace, still 10 million. Finished UU at 4:44 minutes, MFSU2 stayed at 10 million but would not be able to keep up at night yet. Blast out some tunnels while waiting, some coal, now level 10. Funny, even at night I can recharge mining laser on MFSU2 with no trace of power drop, stays 10 million solid until right at end where it dips around 9999900 and trickles back up, must have been running off stored power in super solars.
01:39 Quick run to twilight power plant, drop off 2x64 seeds. Biomass 604k. Run in fermenters: 44 sugarcane, 2x64+12 wheat. 6 buckets -> still; 4 buckets -> engine. Biofuel 5 tanks. Hop home, wheat grown, run farmbot. Log out for night.
22:50 Log in. Make enough tank siding for one water tank (will build it in Downer's Grove). Thermal lab: move one powered furnace to take output directly from the top pulverizer, items get pulverized & cooked in one step. Nice. Railcraft lab: energy cell 365k, recharge. Run a batch of 72 iron plates in rolling machine, for future iron tanks out in desert; 64 coal coke done, +32 iron in blast furnace. 23:22 energy cell 396k, head out.
23:28 thermal lab: pulv obsidian, make hardened glass, make redstone conduits (64). Crucible lab: fill 40 redstone conduits, drop off at house for future use.
23:36 Was thinking of running rail from roof of crucible lab, thru mountain to villages. Center is about 137,593,+71. Downer's Grove station about 25,676,+64, it's 333 meters from there to Santa Fe waypoint.
23:45 Downer's Grove: built water tank, made cave behind it for future biomass facility.
23:51 Run to Albuquerque, station would be near -151,632,+65 - distance to Santa Fe waypoint 401m. Run to Alb Lava Pits. Lava lakes (possible lava pump stations) -125,574,+9 and -144,577,+11 and (best) -144,593,+11. Look for lava lakes at normal 16y level, tunnel & hear zombies, no lava.
00:45 Dig 5x5 shaft straight up from lava source 3, stairs up around inside, comes out right next to road, next to lake, just outside Albuquerque -- I will be putting iron tanks there: lava & water, plus obsidian/stone factory. Run home; make 12 iron tank gauge, 12 iron tank valve, 48 iron tank wall. Repair my diamond pick, -14 levels, now level 3 again! Make pump, 2x64 stone transport pipe. Cook 50 cactus, turn cactus farm back on. Make 73 waterproof stone pipe, grab 4 redstone engines.
01:02 Let's see, a 5x5x6 tank needs 2x25 (top/bottom), 4x16 sides = 114 pieces! Yikes. Let me check the size of my tank of twilight biomass: 3x3x6 and it should hold about 800 buckets, that's plenty big! 3x3x7 would use 2x9 + 5x8 = 58 blocks. I do have enough. Let's do it.
01:24 Run back to site, make 3x3x7 tank, run pipe all the way down to lava, hook up pump, 4 engines. Pipe won't connect to pump?? Run back, compare to crucible lab setup. Run back, still won't hook up. Darn I made the white pump! Actually - oops, it's a mining well, forgot to add the tank part.
01:40 Well that was silly, run back, add tank to make a pump, busted and lost one redstone engine though! But that's fun, in the shaft watching the lava slurp up the pipe as far as the eye can see.
01:53 Okay, 59k mB of lava pumped already; tank can hold just over a million. Fenced and gated the area, made footprint for next iron tank, which will be for water. 01:56 now 83k, pumping pretty darn fast! Time it. 91k ... 30 seconds, now at 97k. 1k every 5 seconds. 02:02 now 144k, headed to bed.
14:40 Quick trip. Study area around lava tank, sounds like all caves beneath, even had a slime on the surface? Odd area. Back to Santa Fe, recharge mining laser, refresh memory on how much it takes to make a coke oven. No other use for creosote in this modpack: some modder added a semisolid generator that can burn creosote oil - that would be nice! Check cacti harvester: 3x64+41 in chest, engine out of seed oil again. Harvest pumpkins for seeds, up to forestry lab, put 60 empty cans in squeezer, run a batch of oil.
15:30 Make 36 coke oven bricks; run seed oil to cacti harvester, now 4x64+4 cactus in chest. Make larger cactus farm just outside of walls, in desert valley.
16:00 Quick drop at twilight power station, biomass at 611k.
16:30 Dig those tunnels thru mountain at crucible lab -- neat route runs through glaciers, then over snow, across a pit with snowy arches overhead, you name it. Found one iridium ore in new cave (with snow bee hive lighting up the place), silk touched it! Log out.
01:10 Login, build facade for future rail tunnel.
03:00 Major tunneling expedition, through glaciers, slow going. I thought glowstone blocks might not melt the ice but boy it flooded out half the tunnel, dozens of holes to patch, new lighting scheme. Mining turtle did some of the work, then I silk touched a few hundred ice and snow blocks. Long haul, off to bed now.
22:30 Log in.
23:10 Login. Make the 3 forestry backpacks ... 15 free slots for each category of item = cool. Major work on tunnel, start laying rails.
23:44 Track to/from first exchange done. Plus booster tracks. Boy, pushing the carts to get them going will barely move 'em now. Now I want a launcher track to start players on their way. Bit of an expensive recipe, so: railcraft lab, make 32 rebar from steel, 2x64 more tracks. Make some stone rails by hand, stone railbeds by hand, 2 steel Blocks, now need Reinforced rail (regular rail + 3 obs dust)!! Stop at thermal lab, pulv 18 obsidian, cook 64 iron dust while in there. Railcraft lab, good this I had 58 steel stashed in chest! put 30 iron in blast furnace, Run 5 batches (36) reinforced rail, 32 std rail, keep other 18 steel for 2 more steel blocks. Coke oven has 53k creosote oil, I saw a recipe for making wooden ties in Carpenter without wasting glass bottles. make note to do that here.
00:06 Run back home make two Launcher Tracks. Go to se em up are sure enough, Launcher Tracks are NOT what I wanted. Those pop me up in the air when I hit the button. I want the ones that launch you ALONG the track, not above it. No wonder the recipe was so expensive. BOARDING track. Duh. Okay, make powered rail, then 16 boarding tracks; setup autocraft table for future use.
01:05 Build double rail line, overland at least 3 blocks off ground, all the way out to Albuquerque lava pits. Run out to lava tank (334k and lava pump ate up all available lava, needs to be moved), build two coke ovens next to it.
01:50 Build up a fort around the Albuquerque Lava pits, ladder down to mines. Mining run, need to get to level 14 to repair my diamond pick. Came up and there was an ender in my new fort, almost killed me (1 heart left before he warped outside, whew). Back to Santa Fe, recharge stuff, nano armor parts at 70-80k each. backpacks work very nicely, shift-r-click to dump whole bag into a chest! Okay, level 14, repair diamond pick, now level 0 again.
Quick session: put autocrafting recipes in forestry lab, make a new fermenter & still, run them out to Downer's Grove, completing the rail tunnel & some rail bridge along the way. Make two new carpenters for future railroad tie makers next to coke ovens.
23:50 Factor lab: 13 cryst tin done, just one batch of 5 left to run; run a batch of 57 sludge -> clay, heck run a few, skip the rest (recycle it). That 60 tin or (2/7 00:01) made 18 + 30 + 16 + 26 + 16 + 13 + 13 + = 132 (probably forgot to log a bunch of them).
00:07 Disassemble the factor lab. Maybe move it out to the desert someday. Now getting 8-10 fps in former factor lab area. 88 silver ore direct into slag furnace -> 101 lead and 78 silver
00:16 Forestry lab, drop 44 pumpkin seeds in squeezer, take out 4 seed oil cells -- put in cacti harvester, run for a while. 3x64+17 cacti in there, take 17 -> pipe waterproof. Lab2 - run 16 empty calls + 4 tin cans in Liquid Transposer to empty it of lava.
00:26 Take apart Magma crucibles and Liquid Transposers + electric engines from lab2, rebuild in old factor lab (rename it to the crucible lab). Make igneous extruder.
00:49 Run gold wire from lab2 roof to roof of new crucible lab; LV transformer, move pump to old water pool, setup new crucibles & extruder over there. Put 64 netherrack in (lava) crucible. Woo hoo, extruder spitting out stone (2mb lava, 1b water each but needs at least 1b of each to run), can do obsidian (1b lava + 1b water each). Put 48 redstone in (redstone) crucible, start making molten redstone (550mb) again; needs 1000 MJ in storage to begin melting anything. 00:58, 20 stone, 4 obsidian done. MFSU2 stays at 10 million, even at night.
01:00 Forestry lab, shut off engine, grab 4 more seed oil cans. Check cacti harvest: 3x64+51 cacti in chest. Engine off.
01:03 Crucible lab: 54 stone, 6 obsidian made. Run cobble while water/lava refills. 60 seconds = 30 cobble. 01:07 - 72 stone, 54 cobble, 9 obsidian made, still 51 netherrack left in crucible. Now that RS crucible is charged, drop 63 redstone in there ... 60 seconds, 46 rs left, 6700 MJ left, 1600 mb of molten redstone. Tests okay, shut down for now. MFSU2 still at 10 million.
01:12 Interesting, those "channel null" errors happen every time an item is recycled!! Anyway (lab2) I recycled all that sludge, about 5 stacks + 42 dirt, got 59+ scrap. Make 28 mixed metal ingots in rolling machine while waiting.
01:20 Wiz tower lab, 65 scrap in mass fab at 32%, MFSU2 at 10 million, go: 1 UU at 44 sec (42 scrap left), 2nd UU at 100 sec (7 scrap left), MFSUs at 10 million. Now run with last 7 scrap, gets to 28% then is gone ... after one more minute it's only at 44%, MFSU is keeping pace, still 10 million. Finished UU at 4:44 minutes, MFSU2 stayed at 10 million but would not be able to keep up at night yet. Blast out some tunnels while waiting, some coal, now level 10. Funny, even at night I can recharge mining laser on MFSU2 with no trace of power drop, stays 10 million solid until right at end where it dips around 9999900 and trickles back up, must have been running off stored power in super solars.
01:39 Quick run to twilight power plant, drop off 2x64 seeds. Biomass 604k. Run in fermenters: 44 sugarcane, 2x64+12 wheat. 6 buckets -> still; 4 buckets -> engine. Biofuel 5 tanks. Hop home, wheat grown, run farmbot. Log out for night.
22:50 Log in. Make enough tank siding for one water tank (will build it in Downer's Grove). Thermal lab: move one powered furnace to take output directly from the top pulverizer, items get pulverized & cooked in one step. Nice. Railcraft lab: energy cell 365k, recharge. Run a batch of 72 iron plates in rolling machine, for future iron tanks out in desert; 64 coal coke done, +32 iron in blast furnace. 23:22 energy cell 396k, head out.
23:28 thermal lab: pulv obsidian, make hardened glass, make redstone conduits (64). Crucible lab: fill 40 redstone conduits, drop off at house for future use.
23:36 Was thinking of running rail from roof of crucible lab, thru mountain to villages. Center is about 137,593,+71. Downer's Grove station about 25,676,+64, it's 333 meters from there to Santa Fe waypoint.
23:45 Downer's Grove: built water tank, made cave behind it for future biomass facility.
23:51 Run to Albuquerque, station would be near -151,632,+65 - distance to Santa Fe waypoint 401m. Run to Alb Lava Pits. Lava lakes (possible lava pump stations) -125,574,+9 and -144,577,+11 and (best) -144,593,+11. Look for lava lakes at normal 16y level, tunnel & hear zombies, no lava.
00:45 Dig 5x5 shaft straight up from lava source 3, stairs up around inside, comes out right next to road, next to lake, just outside Albuquerque -- I will be putting iron tanks there: lava & water, plus obsidian/stone factory. Run home; make 12 iron tank gauge, 12 iron tank valve, 48 iron tank wall. Repair my diamond pick, -14 levels, now level 3 again! Make pump, 2x64 stone transport pipe. Cook 50 cactus, turn cactus farm back on. Make 73 waterproof stone pipe, grab 4 redstone engines.
01:02 Let's see, a 5x5x6 tank needs 2x25 (top/bottom), 4x16 sides = 114 pieces! Yikes. Let me check the size of my tank of twilight biomass: 3x3x6 and it should hold about 800 buckets, that's plenty big! 3x3x7 would use 2x9 + 5x8 = 58 blocks. I do have enough. Let's do it.
01:24 Run back to site, make 3x3x7 tank, run pipe all the way down to lava, hook up pump, 4 engines. Pipe won't connect to pump?? Run back, compare to crucible lab setup. Run back, still won't hook up. Darn I made the white pump! Actually - oops, it's a mining well, forgot to add the tank part.
01:40 Well that was silly, run back, add tank to make a pump, busted and lost one redstone engine though! But that's fun, in the shaft watching the lava slurp up the pipe as far as the eye can see.
01:53 Okay, 59k mB of lava pumped already; tank can hold just over a million. Fenced and gated the area, made footprint for next iron tank, which will be for water. 01:56 now 83k, pumping pretty darn fast! Time it. 91k ... 30 seconds, now at 97k. 1k every 5 seconds. 02:02 now 144k, headed to bed.
14:40 Quick trip. Study area around lava tank, sounds like all caves beneath, even had a slime on the surface? Odd area. Back to Santa Fe, recharge mining laser, refresh memory on how much it takes to make a coke oven. No other use for creosote in this modpack: some modder added a semisolid generator that can burn creosote oil - that would be nice! Check cacti harvester: 3x64+41 in chest, engine out of seed oil again. Harvest pumpkins for seeds, up to forestry lab, put 60 empty cans in squeezer, run a batch of oil.
15:30 Make 36 coke oven bricks; run seed oil to cacti harvester, now 4x64+4 cactus in chest. Make larger cactus farm just outside of walls, in desert valley.
16:00 Quick drop at twilight power station, biomass at 611k.
16:30 Dig those tunnels thru mountain at crucible lab -- neat route runs through glaciers, then over snow, across a pit with snowy arches overhead, you name it. Found one iridium ore in new cave (with snow bee hive lighting up the place), silk touched it! Log out.
01:10 Login, build facade for future rail tunnel.
03:00 Major tunneling expedition, through glaciers, slow going. I thought glowstone blocks might not melt the ice but boy it flooded out half the tunnel, dozens of holes to patch, new lighting scheme. Mining turtle did some of the work, then I silk touched a few hundred ice and snow blocks. Long haul, off to bed now.
22:30 Log in.
23:10 Login. Make the 3 forestry backpacks ... 15 free slots for each category of item = cool. Major work on tunnel, start laying rails.
23:44 Track to/from first exchange done. Plus booster tracks. Boy, pushing the carts to get them going will barely move 'em now. Now I want a launcher track to start players on their way. Bit of an expensive recipe, so: railcraft lab, make 32 rebar from steel, 2x64 more tracks. Make some stone rails by hand, stone railbeds by hand, 2 steel Blocks, now need Reinforced rail (regular rail + 3 obs dust)!! Stop at thermal lab, pulv 18 obsidian, cook 64 iron dust while in there. Railcraft lab, good this I had 58 steel stashed in chest! put 30 iron in blast furnace, Run 5 batches (36) reinforced rail, 32 std rail, keep other 18 steel for 2 more steel blocks. Coke oven has 53k creosote oil, I saw a recipe for making wooden ties in Carpenter without wasting glass bottles. make note to do that here.
00:06 Run back home make two Launcher Tracks. Go to se em up are sure enough, Launcher Tracks are NOT what I wanted. Those pop me up in the air when I hit the button. I want the ones that launch you ALONG the track, not above it. No wonder the recipe was so expensive. BOARDING track. Duh. Okay, make powered rail, then 16 boarding tracks; setup autocraft table for future use.
01:05 Build double rail line, overland at least 3 blocks off ground, all the way out to Albuquerque lava pits. Run out to lava tank (334k and lava pump ate up all available lava, needs to be moved), build two coke ovens next to it.
01:50 Build up a fort around the Albuquerque Lava pits, ladder down to mines. Mining run, need to get to level 14 to repair my diamond pick. Came up and there was an ender in my new fort, almost killed me (1 heart left before he warped outside, whew). Back to Santa Fe, recharge stuff, nano armor parts at 70-80k each. backpacks work very nicely, shift-r-click to dump whole bag into a chest! Okay, level 14, repair diamond pick, now level 0 again.
Quick session: put autocrafting recipes in forestry lab, make a new fermenter & still, run them out to Downer's Grove, completing the rail tunnel & some rail bridge along the way. Make two new carpenters for future railroad tie makers next to coke ovens.
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